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I sat on my bed with my earbuds in. It was late at night and I couldn't sleep. One of the reasons was because my mother nailed my window shut. So I couldn't go out on the roof. That sucks because sitting on the roof and looking up at the stars really helped me relax and shut down a bit.

If you couldn't tell already I have a fairly crappy life. My mom started doing drugs when my father left. She always tells me that it's my fault and that I'm the problem. When in reality it's her. Even my own father agreed.


I was 16 at this point when it all went downhill.

I sat backed up against my bedroom wall hugging my legs. My head was buried in my knees as tears streamed down my cheeks nonstop. My mom did it again. She made a mistake and my father found out.

She cheated on him with a random guy she met at a club. This wasn't anything new because she did often. My father only stuck around for the sake of his daughter.

But tonight was different. He left. And he didn't come back. I stayed in my room because I was never really fond of my mother. of course I loved her but being around her when we were alone always made me feel unsafe.

I heard the door slam which meant that my mother had left probably chasing after my dad. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror trying to calm my breathing down. But the more I looked at my self the more I broke down. It got to the point where I ran back into my room and out of my window. That's how my routine of sitting on the roof every night started.


My body tensed as I heard the front door slam closed. She's home. I ran my hands through my hair. I stood up and looked out into the hall. She was sitting at the kitchen counter with a small plastic baggy in her hand. Crap. I mentally panicked trying to think of a way to dodge her screams and attempts at hitting me.

I knew that there was no escaping her without a few scratches or bruises so I flopped on my bed and rubbed my temples.

"JADE!" No. I yelled inside my head as my name erupted from my mother's mouth. I slowly sat up.

"Get in here now!" my feet quickly touched the soft carpet as I hurriedly made my way to the kitchen.

"Mom?" I said in my usual monotone voice.

"What the hell have you been doing all day long?!" I scrunched my nose up in disgust when the smell of alcohol seeped from her mouth.

"Nothing," Wrong answer genius.

"So you're telling me that you've been in your room- No in MY house doing absolutely nothing all day?" I shifted my gaze towards the countertop and cleared my throat. I tried to speak but she interrupted me before a word could even leave my mouth.

A pale hand came in contact with my cheek. My head was whipped to the side. I was left shocked with a stinging sensation on my left cheek. It took everything in me not to yell at her and walk out of that door.

"IM AM SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR ATTITUDE!" I held my cheek and slowly turned my head to face hers.

"You're sick and tired? IM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU BLAMING ME FOR YOUR DUMB DECISIONS DAD LEFT BECAUSE OF YOU NOT ME!" I yelled while pointing at her. She looked at me like I was the craziest person on Earth.

"Do not raise your voice at me Jade," I dryly laughed and shook my head.

"Why do you do this to yourself mom? you act like the victim when in reality you know that you aren't," A tear slipped out of my eye as I ran my hands though my hair.

"I don't want to hear your shit! I don't want to see your face in my house ever again LEAVE!" I blinked in surprise.

"If I still see you here by 10:00 I will drag you outside by your hair," She grabbed whatever was in that baggy and walked out of the house.
I stuffed all of my belongings into a suit case. I had already called the train station ahead of time to pay for my ticket out of this hell hole.


I still had plenty of time left but knowing my mom she would probably come home earlier so she could drag me out by my hair.

I placed the last of my clothes into the suitcase and zipped it up. I was happy. I had been planning on leaving for a long time but never really had a plan on how. I've been saving up for a good few years now I'm not sure how my much I have but I'm sure it's enough for at least three months or more worth of rent and food.

I grabbed my phone, suitcase, and shoes heading for the living room. I slipped them on and threw the front door open.

"Freedom," I whispered.

I walked towards the bus stop that would drop me off at the train station. I'm leaving for a place that I hold dear in my heart. Although I only lived there from the age seven to twelve it still meant a lot to me.


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