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"Must be the pizza guy!" I sighed plopping down on the couch. We'd been here for about three hours now and Jennie had invited us into the break room for a bit of relaxation.

As soon as Jeong-ha heard someone knock on the door she sprung to her feet ready to greet the delivery boy.

"Okay you have a good rest of your night now! Get home safe!" I giggled, face palming at how random she can be.

"Oh- hey guys!" I turned and found Loren on the couch next to me with his head thrown back. He looked tired and in need of a Love Tonic.

He offered to help Dae-jung with drinks until the other employees clocked in.

I completely turned my body towards Loren's sitting crisscross applesauce. He opened his eyes letting his head fall to the side to look at me.

A piece of hair covered his eyes and I subconsciously brought my hand up to his face and combed it behind his ear. He smiled a little, making my face heat up.

"You okay?" I asked quietly. He nodded relaxing under my hand as I continued combing through his hair.

"Pizza in here if you guys are hungry," I nodded but kept my attention on Loren.

I'd be lying if I said he isn't the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on. From the way he talks to the way he moves.

Everything about him screams: warm, comforting, and a little cold.

When I first saw him I thought he'd be closed off based on his clothes and stoic face. As cheesy as it sounds he looked like a bad boy straight out of a movie. But the more I got to know him the more warmth and love I realized was under that hard exterior. That is exactly what drew me in.

"It's getting late, maybe you should get some rest," I said as my eyes subconsciously shifted down to his lips. The corners of his mouth twitched up as my eyes lingered for too long. I found his eyes again and they looked lost.

In what? I'm not sure exactly but he seemed to like what he was lost in.

"I should be the one telling you that," His voice was husky and deep which I assume is the effects of his spent state.

"Let me take you home," He said, propping his head up in his hand. I bit my lip as I looked back at Jeong-ha who was conversing with Jennie in the small kitchen.

"Jeong-ha and I walked here together. I don't wanna leave her alone," He raised his eyebrows, jabbing his thumb towards the door that led back into the bar.

"I"m sure Dae-jung would be more than happy to accompany her home," I bit back a smile at how badly he seemed to want to take me home. I pondered the thought a little more, nodding a little. He smiled slightly standing up.

I watched fondly as he made his way over to Jeong-ha. Said girl wiggled her eyebrows at me as Loren walked back. I smiled, mouthing Dae-jung's name which easily sent her into a blushing mess. She shooed me away, stuffing her mouth with pizza.


I sent Dae-jung a quick text telling him he would be taking Jeong-ha home. I could already see his goofy smile at the mention of her name. I turned back to Jade who was already watching me. A light blush dusted her cheeks when I caught her.

I held my hand out for her which she grabbed gingerly and led her out the door. I shot Dae-jung a quick look that meant 'goodbye' which he returned. Jade waved at him before we disappeared into the crowd. I kept Jade snug against my body as we weaved through the sweaty bodies on the dance floor.

She kept her head down watching her feet to avoid any tash or other contents that the floor might've contained.

Once we finally made it out of the crowd I pulled away a bit reaching for her hand again. Her fingers immediately intertwined with mine and a burst of warmth spread within me.

"We're almost there," I said, glancing back at her. She hummed in response, examining our hands. I looked around the parking lot for my jeep. You'd think that since I'm close with Dae-jung he'd give me a VIP parking space but I guess not.

I spotted the black car parked underneath a tree which cast a dark shadow over it, almost hiding it completely if it weren't for the street lights reflecting off of it. I pulled Jade with me as I walked in between cars.

"Do you come here often?" She suddenly asked, catching my attention. I nodded, placing her behind me as a car drove by.

"I'm told that I bring a lot of business to this place so Dae-jung invites me often," She hummed, holding my arm closer.

I opened the passenger side door for her and helped her get inside the car. Once she was seated and buckled up I closed her door and made my way to the drivers side. I turned the key, put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot.

I made a right turn slowing down at a red light. It turned green before I came to a full stop so I eased my foot down on the accelerator. I felt her eyes burning into the side of my head.

"You remember where I live?" I nodded, catching the small motion of her lips curling up into a smile.

The streets were mostly empty except for a few cars here and there. It was the perfect time for a night in with your significant other. That alone made me a little reluctant to take Jade home.

"Loren?" I snapped out of my thoughts and hummed waiting for her to go on.

"I don't wanna go home yet," I glanced at her, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What I mean is...I don't wanna part with you yet," I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face as the words timidly left her lips.

"Why didn't you say so?" With that I made a sharp turn to the left, changing our destination.

Together with you is my favorite place to be.

THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR 5K READS!! It's means so much to me that people are continuing to read this book even with my inconsistent updates (; > _<) I really do appreciate and plan on updating more for you all <3
Also- My official updating days are Friday and Tuesday ;)

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