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A/N: This is basically a heads up on your past so if anyone got confused this will be the explanation towards everything.

Y/n: _-Your Name-_
L/n: _-Last Name-_
Y/p: _-Your Pronounce-_  (He/Him, She/Her, They/Them)

•°Y/n's POV°•

I was walking above the clouds... There was an amazing castle behind me with quartz Pillars with gold and Flowers within the overgrown walls...

"Wha-..!?" I said as I saw something rise from the ground... It was a ball? With a string in the bottom.

It was rising, I held the string as I pulled the red shiny glistening ball down to face.

"Whoa, what is this...?" I said with gleaming eyes as I stared at the... thing...

My wings fluttered as I investigate the red shiny ball then I heard screaming...

I looked behind me to see... Fire....

Fire coming out of the castle, smoke rising from the villages. I don't know what was happening.

I looked back at the red ball and when I turned to look back at the castle there was an arrow flying its way towards me.

I moved as fast as I can yet my left wing was pierced with an arrow

I winced in pain... I didn't let go of the ball but I felt the clouds pulling me down...

The next thing I knew I was falling, my wings, halo and horns disappeared while I'm still in pain.

I turned to look to my Left... Bad Idea... I got hit within the face with a branch, then hit the ground...

All I could see were 2 men who quickly came up to me. Then I passed out.

•°Time Skip°•

I woke up in a bed... It didn't feel like my bed though. I lazily opened my eyes to find white walls all around me.

I saw 3 people talking to each other as I tried to sit up, 2 of the men that I saw when I hit the ground were there.

They turned their attention to me.

One man with blonde hair came running to me

"Uh uh sweetheart, don't move too much, you're injured," Said the blonde man, he seemed worried about me...

A man with white hair then came to me, "Hello dear" He said with a caring smile.

I looked up to both of them and asked, "W-Where am I-I..?" My voice trembling

"Shhh, Don't worry you're safe with us." The blonde man said

"There's no need to be scared, we saw you severely injured in a forest next to the sidewalk, you seemed to have fallen off a tree but that hole in your arm said something else." The man with white hair explained

I looked at my arm to see bandages, tubes, and other stuff that I have never seen before...

I looked at my surroundings and still didn't know where I was.

I asked again "Mister, where a-am I?" My voice cracked

The 2 men looked at me, "You're in a hospital sweety" Said the blonde man

"A hospital?" I said questionably

"Yes, have you never been to one?" The white haired man said while sitting down on the side of the bed.

"No.." I responded

"How old are you?" The blonde man said while getting a chair and sitting on it.

"4" I responded bluntly to the 2 men.

"What's your name?" Said the white haired man.

"Y/n. Y/n L/n." I said, to be honest, I wasn't quite afraid of them, they have a calming aura that leaves my mind at ease

"Well Y/n I'm Devon and this here is my husband Andrew." The blonde man said while smiling sweetly at me.

"Wait, husband? Like- You 2 together?" I asked in awe as marrying the same gender was never allowed where I lived

"Yes, is there a problem?" Andrew said while smiling a bit off

"Whoa! THAT'S SO COOL!" I said while turning my hands to fists as they meet the air.

"Oh my... Darling?" Devon said and I swear you could see stars in his eyes

"Hehe calm down sweetheart, let's ask Y/p first," Andrew said to Devon

Andrew then looked at me and asked "Y/n... Do you have any uhmm, Parents? Or relatives?" Andrew said looking at me questionably

I looked at the ceiling and tried to remember what happened after I blacked out

"I.. Don't know..." I looked at my hands and fiddled with them

"What do you mean by that?" Andrew said

"I can't remember.." I looked at the 2 of them

They seemed a bit down, "You must have hit your head too hard..." Devon said putting his hand on your forehead
The next thing I knew, I was adopted by the 2 men that saved me from dying

I had a baby sister who was 2 years younger than me
Her name was Ava
We were really close
I started going to school
It was pretty exciting
My first birthday
Middle school was ok I guess...
Teaching Ava how to do math was harder than I thought.
Highschool Freshman!
Why won't they stop bothering me and Ava..?
Lorelai seems nice I guess...
Getting instagram might have been a good choice
Why can't school just end already?
College Freshman...
Just 2 more months left Y/n then you can get out of this hell hole!
Graduation day.....
Getting my first job!
Attending Ava's Graduation...
I quit my job to move in with ava.
I got a new job as a model!
"Your gonna be a serious hit!" Said, my manager
"If your gonna hit it, hit it till it breaks"  -Y/n L/n


A/N: Oikawa be-

A/N: Oikawa be-

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🖐️😂I CAN'T

Word count: 934

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