HELLO😁💕 ( rant )

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Hi, this is Author-chan speaking!!

So I don't know if any of you have read my other book but I'm switching.

You probably don't know what that means so let me explain -w-

So currently this book had been on hold and I've been working with the other one

And as you already probably know I have HELLA slow updates since I'm probably doing something, really busy with classes, sleeping, or just lazy asf

But I didn't have any idea of where the plot was gonna go since it's a discontinued comic-thingy and will always have a place in my heart😔

Well, I had a plot before but... My brother ripped it to shreds and I have a really bad memory so I can't remember SHIT

Although in this book I know EXACTLY what I was gonna do with it, I know the plot since it was very easy for me to remember for some reason (I really don't know why)

And I don't have any inspiration for my other book..... Yes very sad😪

So what I've been trying to say is I will now be continuing this book!

But I won't discontinue the other one since if I have something in mind I will write it in my other story since I'd probably forget it later on-

Hope people are happy with the news, if you aren't then I'd just like to let you know I tried😅

Writing is something... Just REALLY something...

I love writing as much as I love the people who read it! I truly do!

It's a way for me to express myself without letting anyone actually know it was me

I don't quite enjoy heavy criticism but I do very much want to learn

I'm sensitive so please go easy on me🙏

I hope all of you are doing okay!!

You deserve all so much love😊

... Bullies can suck ass for all I care-

And remember...

You're worth it!

You're beautiful!

You don't have to change just because someone tells you to!

You're amazing!

You can be whatever or whoever you want to be!

You're perfect just the way you are!

I love you!

There will be hard days that you think you can't handle but everything WILL get better!

Just to make sure, it's called self-defense not harming other people!

Lesbian right!

Gay rights!

Bi rights!

Trans right!

Everybody has their own fucking rights!!

And like... If any of you people have problems, like-

There will always be someone you can talk to, for example:


If I see your message I'll try my best to give you advice

I'll always be here for people who need someone to talk to about anything!

I'm sure some or most of you are having a rough time since... Covid, Ya know?

And maybe other stuff like family problems, depression, anxiety, etc.

Just making sure that all of you feel loved while quarantine is still going😊

I care about every single person, animal, whatever people want to be in this planet and want them to feel loved and not feel as if their a disgrace or anything bad

You're all worth it!

I hope I cheered you up by my little speech!

Message me whenever you'd like, I'll try my best to reply as soon as I can💕

-Love, Author-chan

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