Chapter 1: Daemos?😈

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A/N: Don't mind the picture! And I'm writing this at midnight cause I spent so much time with my other story-

Y/n: -Your Name-
Y/p: -Your Pronounce-

Anywho, Let's get it!

•°Y/n's POV°•

I woke up with a wet feeling on my face... It was Johnny licking my face to wake me up.

I always knew Johnny had liked me more than Ava yet I didn't know why.

It's been about 2 months since I've lived with Ava and it's been pretty nice, but for the record, I don't even know how this woman is living off of cereal, pizza, and milk only.

I sat up and stretched my arms while Jhonny hoped down my bed and looked at me, I looked at my clock and saw it was 6:03 am and work would start at 8:00 am.

I got up from the bed and walked to the door whilst the cat followed me, I opened the door and walked to the kitchen to make my morning coffee.

(If you don't like coffee just imagine your drinking tea, but if you don't like that either then just imagine that you're drinking your favourite hot beverage)

10 minutes had passed and I finished my coffee, put it in the sink, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

•°Time Skip°•

It's been about 35-ish minutes, and I'm dressed for work... Not really-

I have a set of clothes in my bag that I'm supposed to wear for modelling yet there not that comfortable so I'll just change when I get there.

I knew Ava had an interview later today, so I opened the door for Johnny to go inside Ava's room and wake her up
I heard scratching and chuckled

"What the hell you frickin jerk-cat!" Said the one and only lazy potato

U heard a thud and burst out laughing knowing that Ava probably fallen off the bed

"Frickin... UGHH!" Ava said loudly

I pushed Ava's door wide open, she glared at me when she saw me leaning on her door frame

"Good morning," I said with my slight American accent and smiling innocently as if I were an angel

"I hate you too," Ava said while standing up

"Youch! This early in the morning?" I said dramatically putting my hand over my chest

She just rolled her eyes and laughed, I laughed with her and Johnny made his way up to me rubbing himself against me

Ava's phone rang and she quickly jumped up from her bed and answered the phone

"Hello?" Ava said bluntly

All I could hear were meer murmurs on the phone

"Oh it's you Lorelai," She said then looked at me, I shrugged

"Heh, I don't know anyone except for Y/n who's excited to get a phone call at 7 am in the morning on a Friday," She said to Lorelai while passing me to go to the living room

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