Chapter 13: Ice cream, chillin', chillin'

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*•.¸♡ 𝓨/𝓷'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥 ♡¸.•*

I got cut off midsentence by an annoying son of a bi-

Ava took the present and payment Mrs. Oats gave while I looked behind us to find...

Rhys and Pierce?

WHAT!? I don't wanna bash their heads, I wanna bash Aschs!

"Y/n, Ava. Look, I've figured out how to put clothes on!" Rhys said which I saw a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"No one saw him do it and he won't tell us..." Pierce grumbled and slightly pouted.

I was basically holding onto Ava feeling that I was going to faint.

"Holy shit Rhys. You look hot," I said quietly as I basically leaned on Ava.


"That's because it's a test from them and I passed again," Rhys said proudly.

Ava shrieked and yelled, "Go away!"

They left to go back to the living room while I was just dazed at how hot Rhys looked in human clothing.

Ava looked behind us and shook a bit.

"S-S-S-so..." Ava stammered as I got up from her and looked at Mrs. Oats.

Reality then hit me and I was beat red.

We were still in bathrobes.

"Ooooh~ I see what's going on," Mrs. Oats cooed and winked at our direction.

"Please, it's not what you think...!" I said slowly sliding my back on the wall to the floor flustered.

"Ah, I was young once too. I'm glad to see you're in good hands," She said smiling innocently at the situation.

"Oh my god, you have the wrong idea," Ava said as sweat dripped from her face.

As I was just about to calm down I see MR. ARSON coming around the corner and when I tell you, my soul almost left my body.

"Prisoner Y/n! Get over here now!" Asch said frustrated.

I gaped as he called out my name and my eyes felt as if it could cry a river.

"Oh my!" Mrs. Oats said while looking at me in shock.

Ava looked at me and saw me on the brink of death and stifled a laugh.

"W-We gotta go Mrs. Oats! Sorry!" She said quickly while slamming the door.

"I was pretty wild back in my days as well, no shame if you've got game!" Mrs. Oats said before footsteps got further.

"Oh god, not sweet old little Mrs. Oats," Ava said while holding her mouth then looked at me.

"God's playing tricks on me again. He has to be!" I said while I lay on the floor petrified.

Ava shook her head and dragged me to the living room.

I heard mere murmurs that got louder and clearer.

I recognized that they were Noi and Rhys's.

The dragging had ended and I looked at Ava.

She crossed her arms and looked irritated.

"You guys suck!" She said.

"Excuse me...?" Asch said trying to look intimidating.

I got up and stumbled my way to the couch feeling lifeless.

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