Chapter 8: Annoyance

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•°Your POV°•

I woke up by some muffled voices that was sort of irritating,

I sat up on my bed and heard someone shout,

It sounded like it was in Ava's room,

"Damn, this early in the morning.." I stood up and opened the secret door that connects both our rooms.

Oh, you didn't know about that? Well, now you do.

I opened it wide and saw Asch with a dagger in hand.

'Ok, what the fuck?'

Instinct had taken over me as I ran up to Asch and leaped over the bed and tackled him,

I pinned him down on the floor and all the daemos seemed surprised,

"That was hot-" Said Leif before getting smacked in the back of the head by Peirce who had a tint of blush on his face,

I heard Ava stirring in her sleep and quickly got off of Asch and stood next to her bed

I started to sing a familiar song

The one that dad I used to sing us both to sleep with when we were younger...



I lace my fingers in her dark raven hair as the song had come to an end

I look at my surroundings and find all the daemos flabbergasted

I looked to see...


He sat there where I had tackled him and looked up at me with a look that I couldn't understand.


He blinked a few times and then he just smiled with adoration with a coat of red that complimented his skin.


Leif being Leif he just smirked at me, looked at my figure and lips. It was uncomfortable.


His smile just seemed to get wider and wider by the passing seconds, he looked so innocent.


He just stood there mesmerized by the voice of what seemed like a siren and had the tiniest smile on his face.

◦•●◉✿ . ✿◉●•◦

I blushed under their gazes, the attention is gonna drive me nuts.

I coughed "How about we get out of Ava's room before he rips all our heads off," I said trying to get out of the uncomfortable situation

They all nodded and went to the living room

I got off the bed and walked to the secret door,

I closed it then walked to Ava's door

I closed it quietly trying not to make it creek since Ava's door is literally 8,000 years old

I looked behind me to find them in a little semi-circle around the coffee table

"I had everything under control" Asch bickered

"Your majesty, you almost had us killed," Rhys stated

"If it wasn't for Sorcerer Y/n, we'd have our heads on Prisoner Ava's sword" Leif explained

"Ok, first of all, you're welcome. Second, do NOT call my sister a prisoner, she's powerful to you know? She could even kill you with just a snap of her fingers" I argued with them

They're lacking serious manners...

I sighed and sat on the couch where Johnny and Peirce had sat

Johnny climbed onto my lap and sprawled onto it making himself comfortable

At least you don't have to worry about such idiotic people er-


I flinched at the contact

It seems Peirce had seen my wrinkled face of distress

Is he comforting me because he cares or is this just because he pity's me?

I just leaned onto the touch and tried not to think of it since thinking will just make my head hurt even more

I eventually made myself comfortable and took a short nap.

"Or was it?"

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