Chapter 9: Dreams

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I had to blink a few times to see my surrounding

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I had to blink a few times to see my surrounding

Once my vision had steadied


I quickly got up to my feet and looked at the unfamiliar place

"I swear, if Leif had killed me in my sleep I'm going to shove his throat down-"

I was cut off by an amazing view

Up ahead was a kingdom of some sort

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Up ahead was a kingdom of some sort

It looked familiar

to familiar

I walked closer to the palace as curiosity tested me

It was a sight for sore eyes I must say

As I walked closer and closer I noticed a few details on the outside

It had gold and flowers engraved on the walls which looked beautiful

It looked as if it were from a fairytale, like one of papa's stories

As I stepped inside I noticed nobody was here

"Hello?" I said hesitantly not wanting any trouble to come

It was weird, no one responded

Jeez, this place looks like a ghost town.

I explored every inch of the place and when I tell you

It was beautiful

I don't know why no one is here but this palace looked like a dream

But why am I here?

I questioned

Panic suddenly took over me as I realized where's Ava?

Did Leif actually kill me?

What's gonna happen?

I started running to where I came from to see if there was an exit


I then heard a loud explosion behind me

The palace was on fire

There were now people screaming in fear

Who are they!?

When did they even get there!?

I didn't have anything to say, I couldn't do anything either

I stood there shocked but then...



I sat up hastily by the familiar scream

"AVA!" I yell

I saw myself back in Ava and I's apartment

I saw Peirce beside shocked at my abrupt scream

I couldn't care less, I rushed to Ava's room opening the doors

Finding Leif with his sickles out rubbing the metal in a very intimidating manner

I ran up to him and snatched his left horn

He looked surprised and uneasy for a bit but then looked at me

He grinned

He fucking grinned

Oh how I wanna just tear that priceless grin off your face and toss you out the window

"Leif what do you think you're doing!?" I shouted, furious at what he was about to do

"Well, wouldn't you wanna know?~" He said flirtatiously

I gripped his horn even harder which made him-



What the fuck?

I let go of his horn immediately and lifted him all the way up in the air and tossed him into the living room

"Go to horny jail idiot!" I screamed and slammed the door shut

I looked back at Ava seeing her fallen out of her bed

I ran up to her to see if she had gotten hurt by that bastard

I took a closer look at her to find her passed out

I pinched her inner thigh and she jumped and almost punched me in the face

"Y/n!? Why'd you do that!?" She asked rubbing her thigh

"Be grateful I saved you from getting killed with Mr. KillerSmile" I snapped back at her recalling the previous event made me blush

I helped Ava get up and made sure she had no scars or bruises

"I'm good, don't need you checking my ass, I already know it looks the best," she said rolling her eyes at me

I pinched her thigh again, even harder this time which made her shout

"Y/n you bitch!"

A/N: I'm so sorry for the unexpected updates that I give, it's just that I don't have a schedule and I should really make one soon ;-;

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