Chapter 12: Conceal don't feel😩

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*•.¸♡ 𝓨/𝓷'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥 ♡¸.•*

After downing my Tequila I felt...

WAY more confident than I should be. This is why I stash alcohol.

"What are you drinking?" Ava asked while I almost spat out my precious Tequila.

"Water, what else?" I said to her which I heard an off 'uhuh'.

I quickly hid the bottle in a secret compartment drawer type of thing.

"So, wanna smack some Daemos to why they're going through our walls?" I ask her while she looked at me and smirked.

She gestured me with her hands to get out, I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around my waist and walked out the bathroom while closing the door.

(If you ask why you grab the towel, it's because the bathrobe is too short and there are guys in the apartment that can freely see your thighs if you don't have anything at least covering THAT part)

I walked to the living room to see all the Daemos in their signature semi-circle.

I just leaned against the wall crossing my arms while tapping my foot looking at them disappointedly.

The only one that looked as if they were going to cry by my stare was Noi.

I sat next to him patting his head giving him a small smile.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad at you," I said patting him gently, he leaned his head to my shoulder which made me blush slightly.

I heard a thud while I giggled too, "What was that!?" Rhys exclaimed.

"Ava just slipped, don't worry," I said to reassure him.

"How do you know that Sorcerer Y/n?" Noi asked amazed.

"She does it often, it's as if the bathroom hates her or something," I said leaning back on the couch.

I then heard a door open and shut to see Ava turning around the corner.

"Okay, if I'm going to be your prisoner, we need to lay down some ground rules!" She said looking PISSED.

"As a prisoner, you don't get to make rules," Asch said giving her a dirty look.

"Who's the powerful Sorcerers? That's right. Me and Y/n," She said having annoyance written all over her face.

Noi clutched onto me even more looking at Ava as if she was a monster, "Sorceress and Sorcerer," Pierce said.

Ava made inaudible noises and grunted, "Why, are you guys, coming, through our walls," Ava said.

"Once our home is linked to a surface, we can enter any place at will in close proximity," Rhys said.

Smart. Hot. Would definitely have a good future if you marry this guy. Wait what-

I looked dumbfounded at the wall, what was I thinking!?

"So you guys can come in anywhere in our apartment at any time?" Ava said.

"He literally just said that," Leif said unamused.

"Alright! I can fix that," She said walking into her room.

"Whaat, is she doing," Leif asked.

"Probably getting her wand to cast a spell of death and destruction," I said simply.

"What!?" Rhys said surprised.

"Calm down! We don't know what'll really happen," I said, his tense shoulders immediately slumped.

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