Chapter 11: Peace? Don't know em'

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A/N: Yo wassup, quick reminder that you're beautiful!

*•.¸♡ 𝓨/𝓷'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥 ♡¸.•*

Ava passed out... G R E A T

"Hey, can one of you help me please?" I asked while crouching to Ava's side

I saw Leif in the corner of my eye and he crouched down on the opposite side of Ava

"What do you want me to do?" Leif asked not having any sign of flirtatiousness in his voice

"Carry her to a nearby bench please," Leif obliged and carried Ava to a bench right next to a fountain

"Do I use my magic to wake her up?" He asked 

"No need, she's going to wake up at any moment now. Now can you please explain how you managed to do this in such a short amount of time?" I asked in disbelief as to what type of power these Daemos have

"Short amount of time? Sorcerer Y/n, you were gone for 4 hours," Rhys said confused

"Say what now?" I questioned

I looked at my phone to see it was 3:41 pm

As I looked at it skeptic I heard a shuffle right behind me and I threw the time out of the window to look at Ava

She sat up on the bench and looked around

"Of course, not a dream," She said looking a bit disappointed

I looked at her confused, she's been gawking at anime characters ever since high school

I shifted a bit to get closer to her "Hey... I know something that might cheer you up," I said to her reassuringly and handing her the Dunkin Doughnuts with Starbucks on the side 

She almost flipped while seeing it

"Okay so, for now just give us some time to decide what I and Y/n will do next like, leave us alone for a day or something like that now, Byeeeee!" She said almost scowling at them

Before you knew it she was out of the makeshift castle and probably in her room snogging the food

I sighed and looked at the Daemos "Just give her some time. She'll warm up eventually," I said trying to reassure them that she's nice somewhat

Some nodded while some just stared

"But it would be nice if you guys would just leave us alone for a while," I said trying to possibly get a day off from Daemos sitting

Asch was about to say something but Rhys cut him off

"Of course Sorcerer Y/n, if that's what you need," Rhys obliged

I almost jumped when he said that but I refrained myself from such thing as to be a bit more gentle towards them

"Thank you, I promise to think of something to get you all to learn more of our world," I said once more and then walked away from the group and went back to my space

I closed the door and belly-flopped on my bed

"Oh you don't know how much I've missed you, love," I said while cuddling with the pillows

I whined as I was uncomfortable "I should get changed," I whispered to myself

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I was in my bathrobe that was exposing my legs a bit too much

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