Chapter 14: Listen Here Fireball...🔥

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Hello... It's me :))


Y/n's pov

As we were happily chatting, and Rhys asking about our surroundings I felt a sudden gush of wind behind me.

I peeked behind me to see nothing but when I turned my head back I was somewhere different.

It was excessively dark, I could hardly see anything nor myself.

I was somewhere unfamiliar, I was surrounded by trees with teal leaves.

I heard rustling behind me which made me flinch and dash behind a tree.

I peeked to look at what made that noise to see a black cat coming out of some bushes.

This place is so weird. How'd I get here?

As I was in a daze of thoughts but was blinded by a light.

I glimpsed to see not a cat but a man with a scar on his face.

Where'd the cat go? I'd rather face that instead of this tough guy...

I began to panic, what am I supposed to do in this situation?

This man was wearing exotic clothing, cosplay maybe? Oh crud, maybe he's another daemos.

I have no more intentions of babysitting another daemos, too much of a hassle.

He started looking around, maybe he knows I'm here..!?

I suppressed making any noise holding my breath.

He started walking away which made me feel relieved.

Yet suddenly his eyes dart towards mine that peeked from behind the tree.

I couldn't breathe, he started dashing towards me.

I shut my eyes feeling tired.

"Y/n? You okay?"

I hear Ava.

My eyes peeked to see her waving her hands in front of my face.

"Hello? Earth to Y/n?"

"Did I just shift in the middle of walking?"

She looked at me dissatisfied.


She yelled causing people around us to stare.

I shut her up and walked back to the apartment where we luckily didn't find burnt.

Except for the handle.

I walked inside without a second thought until I saw our landlord being held captive onto the wall.

"Damn these Daemos are kinky..."

I whispered to myself while looking through my phone for something entertaining although that didn't last.

I latched back into reality.

Our landlord is being held against his will by Daemos.


I quickly ran up to them and knocked Jake out.


Ava yelled at me and looked at Jake who was flat on the ground.

"I panicked!"

I held my hands up in the air, sweat trickling down my forehead.

"So you're strong-strong,"

Lief said while looking at Jake.

"Is he alive?"

I asked in a panicked voice.

"I thought we were supposed to kill him,"

"You were about to do what!?"

"Hey human! You traitor!"

Asch suddenly grabbed the collar of my shirt and got up to my face.

"You sent reinforcements, didn't you!? You recreant!"

I looked at him in stunned, what?

"They didn't! Your Highness, they were with me the whole time, they didn't show any sign of calling for reinforcements,"

This is getting out of hand.

I took his big hand off me to see Jake sturring in his sleep.

I panicked again.

"Okay umm, Pierce! Where's Pierce!?"

I asked looking all over the place to find him behind me.

He looked alarmed by the sound of his name being spoken by a human.

"Please! Carry Jake outside!"

I think he might have misheard me since he started picking me up.

"I said, Jake!"


I left Ava with Jake at the front door.

God this is STRESSFUL.

Who knows what could have possibly happened if we hadn't arrived earlier?

I sighed rubbing my temples.

"Look, I'm not mad. Just disappointed,"

I could hear Noi wince at my words.

I sat down on the vacant seat beside Pierce and crossed my arms and legs.

"I understand that you're somewhere unfamiliar but you aren't in your world anymore.

We don't tolerate harm in this world. We have strict rules that everyone has to follow.

It might be hard to understand, but you're the ones who have to follow."

I tried knocking a bit of sense within them with my words.

"And who says we have to?"

Asch retorted.


I said crossing my arms and legs.

"Why should WE listen to YOU!?"

Asch got up pissed.

"Who holds most of the power in this household?"


"No, I do. You came here uninvited! We don't even know you yet we tolerate your idiotic acts! We gave you a roof to live under! If we weren't the ones you came to then other people would have thrown you to jai-.. No! The gallows!"

I was madder than he was.

As you can tell.

But I had to make sure they understood my frustration.

"And this is why I don't like making Y/n angry."

Ava said walking to the kitchen and grabbing herself a snack.

I didn't notice Noi had come running up to me and tackled me to the ground with hugs.

He was on the brink of balling his eyes out acting like a child.

I feel really guilty...

"I-I'm sorry Y/n! Please don't be mad anymore!"


No one likes sad Noi :((

Tis I the author of this book💅

No schedule on the next post and there probs won't be one.


Who knows :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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