Chapter 3: Trust🤭

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A/N: Sup. I came back from the dead. My mind is filled with baloney and cringier shit but I can use that to my advantage! Sorta-

So here we go -w-

(I decided to use Grammarly since my vocabulary sucks)

Y/n: •°Your Name°•

Y/p: •°Your Pronouns°•

•°Y/n's POV°•

I looked back at the demon with the pearl white horns annoyed "Oh really..." I said

They all turned back to Mr. Arson guy questionably

The guy with light blue horns spoke "Asch and I found it before but we weren't sure" He said sternly

"So his name is Asch..." I said quietly but then again realized what he just said

I just looked at them in shock and clasped the frying pan in my hands causing my knuckles to turn white

"W-What..?" I said staring at them, what if they found something that I care for... Worst case scenario this guy burns it

The tension got heavy between all of us, my hands started to tremble but not that they could really see it

The demon with jet-black hair smirked evilly and lifted my....

I blushed profusely as that demon held my undies, it's my favourite one to-

They all looked at it in awe which led me to confusion

'Do they not have underwears in wherever they're from? But then what are they wearing unde-

I blushed in an unbelievable red from the thoughts that I was getting

As I came back to reality finding those 5 demons still looking at my underwear but one of them had AN UNDERWEAR MAGAZINE- THE HECK DID THEY FIND THAT!?

"Fascinating, it seems like a combat guide. It shows human females/males/(whatever your gender is) are engaging in a fierce battle with each other with these very garments" The demon with dark blue horns said as he was astonished by the magazine

"That doesn't look like any combat I've seen" The demon with bright greenhorns said

I looked at all of them furiously and I COMPLETELY lost it

First, they broke into my and Ava's apartment

Second, They looked inside my room without permission

Third, They look insane looking at my underwear thinking it's made of magic


As I thought wanting to slaughter them, anger and frustration had filled my mind and my body had decided to move on its own

I threw the frying pan straight at the demon with jet-black hair and grabbed another weapon from under the sink cause I'M ALWAYS PREPARED

I grabbed my baseball bat and looked at the 5 men, white horny guy looked a bit dazed so I took that as an advantage to hit one of his "Friends"

( A/N: I'm never gonna forgive myself for that )

I had to make another distraction so that I could hit them

I shoved my hand inside my pockets and grabbed the first thing I felt

It was my wallet

I threw my wallet at them

It hit the wall making a sound that made all of them look at it

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