Chapter 4: 🎧🎶"Head-foons"🎶🎧

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A/N: HELLO!! This chapter was requested by @Haileybugzie2008, and how could I refuse? So I made this! Hope you like it and I hope that all the people who read this did too <3

Thx for 200+ reads!!💕

Y/N: •°Your Name°•
Y/p: •°Your Pronouns°•

•°Your POV°•

It was minutes...

Then turned to hours...

Turned to days...


I just sat here with Noi on the floor, him still cuddling me to death but he prefers to call it "Holding Prisoner Captive".

Noi had been wearing one of my headphones and not to my surprise,

He seems VERY pleased by not hearing Ava screaming

I was as well since I have a pair on myself and I was blasting rock music on mine

While Noi, I played soft lullabies on his headphones since they all seem to be sensitive to noise and I didn't want him to be scared of it

I looked at the others who looked as if they were dying

I then looked at Peirce to see him calm but still holding Ava captive

I just grinned at seeing them all in pain but I did feel a tad bit bad

And Ava's screams were getting VERY ANNOYING

I stopped the music on my headphones and took them off only to hear the ear-bleeding screams of the one and only.

'Geez, now I feel terrible knowing that they had to listen to this for-'

I looked at the clock to see it ticking to 6:35 am

'3 HOURS!?'

"Why is this day taking FOREVER!?" Leif said menacingly

Man if I said they were annoyed as fuck, that would be one hell of an understatement

"Just kill her," Gene lookin ass said and I looked at him

'If you even dare to do such a thing, I will not hesitate to break your neck in 47 ways'

I thought as I looked at him blankly

"What..?" Mr. Statue had mumbled

"Who's killing what now?" Murdering Sick-o had perked up and steadied himself on the couch's armrest

I looked over to Mr. Sane to see him COMPLETLY burned out and just wanted everything to end

I sigh as I tapped on the beans shoulder

He perks his head from my neck

"Yes, super nice prisoner?" He asked with a closed-eyed smile

I gestured him to take the headphones off and he seemed to understand

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