I'm sorry

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This is Author~chan here

I'm really sorry for the people who liked this book but I have to put it on hold for now..

It's not like I'm abandoning it or anything! It's just I didn't know how much responsibility writing more than 1 book is

And I'm also moving which makes me a bit more stressed...

I will continue this book... Erm.. When I'm finished with my other one

I just want to go easy on myself for about... I don't know

It was pretty stupid of me to think I can create 2 books and update on them no problem

Yet I was wrong...

I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me when I was thinking about stuff like this

I like writing because it makes me feel happy and it takes my mind off of things but when I force myself to write it just doesn't feel the same.

I'm sorry once again but I wanna take it easy for now until I'm ready to continue

I promise I WILL finish this book in the end

By: Author~Chan

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