Another chance (Tzuyu)

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You woke up upon hearing your alarm ringing. Even if you hated it, you turned it down and kicked your blankets off.

It's Monday and you have to be on your job as the team leader on a high rating company in your respective department. You were expecting a normal Monday but then you received a text from your friend Sana that there will be a very special visitor.

As a person who were curious about everything, you hurried and run to your bathroom to get ready. After taking shower, you took your bestest outfit but that is just some sort of coat and slacks for your office works.

"Perfect!" You said as you stared on your reflection. You run out of your house and get ready to stop on a café since you need to grab some coffee and bread.

After taking your order, you drive back to your car and head to the office. You greet all the staff happily and excitingly. You are hoping for a really Great morning but then you stop as you heard yelling inside.

"Where is your team leader!? I need her to report! This is something we need to take serious of!"

"Oh yes, Ms. Chou, I texted her already and she said she's be here in a moment." You heard Sana said.

"So you want me to wait on her? She's so irresponsible, gosh!"

You bit your lip out of the moment you are sensing.

This is a long day. You thought. But then you suddenly remember what Sana called the name. You also remember that the voice is kinda familiar.

"No way, it shouldn't be." You uttered.

You heard a loud slam of the door which gave you sign to get in. As you walked in your table, you saw Sana approaching.

"Mr. Fin is out of the business, there is a substitute-"

"Wait that is the news you're telling? I expected a good one but I was wrong. I can literally hear her yelling outside." You said and grab your seat.

Sana took your coffee and had a sip on it.

"I know, I expected the same. She's terrifying... but she's hot."

You rolled your eyes and continued to your work when the telephone on your desk just ring.

"Oh no, she's mad now." Sana said.

You took a courage to answer it and cleared your throat before answering.

"Hello Ma'am what can I help you?" You asked and you looked into the office but only to find out the windows are down.

"Get in the office, now." She said in monotone.

You gulped once again as you are sure about that voice. But still you tried to shove it. As you are in front of her door, you turned the knob and saw the swivel chair facing back.

You knocked and close it as a sign you entered now.

"Good morning... I-I heard from Sana that you were looking for me a while ago. I had to run with a long traffic, but I know it's not an excuse... I will mak-"

"It's really not an excuse Ms. Lee." She said as she turned her chair and faced you.

You froze on your spot as you saw the person you don't want to see... Your ex.


"I'd prefer you address me the way you address Mr. Fin politely. I'm still a head of you, Ms. Lee." She said coldly.

You can't process any word. You don't know what to feel. Should you feel glad that she's back? Or feel embarrassed that she's actually back.

It's been 3 years since your relationship with her ended. It didn't really end well. No proper closure and you know it's because of you. 3 years ago, you were living your happy life with Tzuyu. Everything is perfect between you and her until she needs to go abroad and leave you.

That time, you were completely down and can't see yourself without her. So rather than living with lies, you broke up with her... well not really broke up.

It's Tzuyu's flight and she expected you to come but you didn't. She texted you but your number is unreachable. When she tried to connect on your social media, she saw your message to her.

'Tzuyu, I'm sorry. I really can't continue with this kind of set. I can't live knowing you are out of my sight. Making me believe that you are still here even if you are not is a lie and you know I hate it... Let's just end this. I'm happy for your career.'

A tear came out on your eyes as you remember how you turned her down just like that. You suddenly want to hate yourself for being the person you hated the most. For being coward and for hurting the girl you really love.

You know you are unforgivable but at least you want to explain yourself. But sadly Tzuyu is not seems so interested with it.

She stoop up and walk over you, handing you a box of tissue but you declined to get it. You looked down out of embarrassment and clenched your fist.

"Why are you crying, Ms. Lee. You know you can't buy me with it." She said which just shattered you.

The girl who is head over heels on you just turned into someone you least expected.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm really sorry. I was scared... I was scared that time." You said.

"And you think I am not? I am leaving you and I know you can't live yourself alone. I'm thinking what if she will find another one? What if she falls in love with another person? What if she... what if she will break up with me."

"And hate it coz it came real... you made it real Y/N." Tzuyu said.

Just hearing her calling your name feels so age. It's been so long. You missed it.

You're not looking at her but you know how broken she is. You promised not to leave each others back but you both did... the only difference is she got it for your future but you had it for yourself.

"I'm sorry for being selfish. For dumping you just like that. I was so immature that time. I'm sorry, I want to explain myself that time but I was so embarrassed of what I did. I know it's unforgivable but please fo-"

Before you could finish, she lift up your chin and kissed you with longing. You were shock and didn't know what do to. Leaving your eyes wide open and looking at her. Your heart beats wildly which only Tzuyu can do it.

As she stops, you gasped and hold on your lips to feel if it's real.


Again, you were cut as she pulled you into her desk and made you sit on it. She pushed herself to you making her between your legs as she supports you hips with her hand.

"Tzu this is not right."

"How can you tell? Does someone owe you already?" She asked looking at you as if she wants you to drown over her stares.

"N-no, but-"

"You want me to forgive you, right? Then let's get back together. Be mine again." She husked and brought her lips again to you.

You respond accordingly which made you turn Tzuyu more. You let your arm wraps on her neck and pulled her deeper into you. Her kisses went down to your neck which filled happiness in your stomach. You feel her hand on your thigh and giving it a squeeze which makes you moan.

"Mhhm- Tzuyu, I-"

"Silence babe, I want silence." She said and brushed her fingers on your cheek.

You smiled and a kissed her forehead.

"I love you... and I miss you." The only thing you said.

"I love you more." She said and continued to kiss you.

It's so passionate and it's so hot for the both of you. You are griping your fingers on her hair as she continues to kiss you and fill your neck with love bites. She even removed you coat making your bare shoulder visible.

The room is just you and her, all full of love of silence and sound of your admiration on her. But one thing is really for sure, you have the chance, you won't let it go again.

😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now