Your Safety Is Always First (Sana)

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It's a normal Friday where everyone is up for Friday night. Probably watching some movies or dinner dates with the love ones.

You used to be excited every Friday because aside that it's weekend and you got a time to rest as you are a colleges student who do well in school.

But the thing is, it's been three weeks when those moments stopped. It's not like it happened on purpose but you can't just spend it the way before since you are alone.

You spent three Fridays alone. Everyone would think that is normal but for you it's not. You have a girlfriend but she's pretty busy with her schedule as a college student like you.

Well technically, she's studying at the different school so moment together is kinda though.

You rolled on your bed and get you phone to check if there is any notification from your girlfriend, Sana.

The first thing welcomed you is her picture as she is your lock screen.
You smiled and feel lucky to have her.

She might be busy but she always find her way on you. But not in the past three weeks. You missed her alot and want to meet her.

You opened your phone and checked if she's online. You are hesitating if you should char her but you don't want to disturb her especially on her exam coming few days after now.

"Come on, Y/N. She loves you."

You sighed as your thoughts are running again. You can't deny the fact that you are needy. Like you always want some assurance and comfort. That would be the greatest especially if it comes from your girlfriend.

You sighed and tried to put your thoughts aside and dialed her. After few rings, she answered which lightens you up.

["Hey, sweetheart. You called up. How are you?"] You heard, along with it, you can also hear pages turning. Made you conclude she's doing something in school.

"Hi, uhm... are you busy?" You nervously asked.

["Kinda, babe. I'm reviewing...How are you? What's with the tone?"]

You can't help but smile because of that observation of her. That made you totally forgot that thoughts of yours.

"I'm good. Uhm, call you later... finish your thing first." You said

[Oh... You sure? Okay. I'll call you up later. I love you."]

"I love y-" Before you could finish your words, she ended the call which is first time to happened.

Did she just cut me off? You thought.

You didn't think of calling her again as you were afraid that you are bothering her. You decided to forgot it even if it hurts you.

You missed her alot and that just happened makes you shutter into pieces.

You wiped your tears away and just leave it for a sleep even everything is so heavy inside.

You woke up only to find that you slept not that long. You saw it on your clock. What wakes you up is the sounds coming downstairs.

Suddenly, you have thought of someone just broke into your house and that terrifies you.

You carefully walk downstairs and not waiting to make any noise but then, when you arrive at the living room, you saw your girlfriend.

😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now