Drive (Mina)

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You searched in your closet as you look for an outfit to wear for this special night. It's awards night and not just an ordinary awards night. Your girlfriend, Mina, will be at the same event.

This means this is your first night going out of public as a couple. Yes, her fans already knew about her relationship with you. And gladly they accepted it. Tho some might not, you don't care. You both don't care.

As you found the right outfit to wear, you figured out that Mina would love it when she saw you wearing that.

But instead of showing it to her, you thought of surprising her.

Mina is obviously with the other girls at their dorm. Also preparing for the big night.

While you lie in your dark red suit that matches the theme of the awarding night, your phone chimes.

You get it from your night table and saw a message from your girlfriend.

As you opened the message, you can't help but feel the need to see your girlfriend as she sent you a picture of her wearing her outfit for tonight.

You immediately called her as soon as you received and saw the message. And as she answered it, you can imagine her grinning on the other line.

"You cheeky one!"

"I assumed you liked it?" She said from the other line and you know she's smiling in victory now.

"Are you kidding me? I love it, makes me want to see you already and kiss you."

You heard her chuckle which made you roll your eyes.

"Are you sure you just want a kiss?"

"Oh, Mina,  don't start now. You're gonna regret it." You said as you look confidently in the mirror as checked the red suit on you.

"Hm, I see."

"But really, you're so gorgeous. I can't wait to so you."

"Then hurry up and move your butt now!"

"I will! But wait, do you wanna know what you're driving tonight?"

She didn't answer right away and you can say she's confused.

"hm, what am I driving tonight?" she asked.



"yeah, you're driving me crazy just seeing you in that dress," you said making her laugh at you.

"send me a picture of you. I wanna see what you're wearing."

"can't, baby. It's a surprise." You said.

You heard her whine which made you grin bigger.

"I'll see you later, babe. I love you."


"See you~"

After that call, you started to prepare. You take a shower, styled your hair, and get on your outfit. You also wear Mina's favorite perfume, making sure that this night is gonna be a memorable night for the both of you.

After almost an hour, you went out of your house and get in your car. Before going,  you texted Mina that you'll be leaving your house already.

You drove down to the place and as you got there, you already saw that many people are standing by.

You stayed in the car and checked yourself again, making sure you still look good.

Then you texted Mina saying you already got to the place. She then texted you that she was already inside, so you decided to get in also.

As you walked in, people started looking at you. Cameras keep on flashing and media throw questions such as why you didn't arrive with your girlfriend?

That doesn't bother you at all. After posing and greeting the people, you had the chance to get inside the venue.


You turned and saw your close friend, She looked at you from head to foot with amazement in her eyes.


"Whoa! Y/N... You look so hot!" she said as she walked to you.

"Thank you, you look so good too. Uhm, by any chance, have you seen Mina?"

"Oh, no,  I haven't. Anyway, wanna grab a drink with me? I'm sure your girlfriend wouldn't mind."

"I actually would." a voice you are so familiar with said who just came out from the crowd.

You looked behind and saw Mina, your girlfriend looking so gorgeous in her outfit. You're completely caught up that you didn't notice that she's boiling on your close friend who's so close to you right now, as in close that her arm is leaning against yours.

You walked to your girlfriend as if you were hypnotized. And as you got close, she wrapped her arms around your waist and kissed you on your lips.

"Just a kiss?" you whispered mindless about your friend's presence.

"Thanks for accompanying my girlfriend. You can just leave her with me." Mina said to your 'friend. '

You don't know if your friend had left as your eyes are only looking at Mina.

When Mina looked at you, her eyes changed to soft from fierce one.

"Hi, gorgeous." You called as you hooked her chin and kissed her again.
That softens Mina, and you can tell.

"So, this is why you don't want to show me your outfit," Mina said as she moved back a bit to see you clearly.


"Really?" you asked as you see the hunger growing in Mina's eyes.

She moved her lips to you as in answer to your question. Not caring about the noise that surrounds you.

"But I guess you're right about one thing," Mina said making you frown.

"What thing?" you asked making her ask you another question.

"You wanna know what I am driving tonight?" she asked which made you roll your eyes as she also caressed your sides.

"What?" you asked acting like you don't know where it is going.

"you,"  she said as she bit her lip.

you frowned as you answered back,

"Cause you're driving me crazy. "

She smirked as she went close right to your ear so you could hear what she was just about to say.

"No, 'cause I'll be ridding you tonight," she whispered sending good electricity into your body.

"Oh, Mina!"

"I mean not now, sexy, that's what you get for being hot,  you have to wait till this event ends."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now