Private (Jeongyeon)

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"Even if the world is against us, I will fight for our love."

You cried as you heard the iconic line of your favorite movie that you've been watching for three times this day. You don't have a work and you chose to stay in your warm home and watch your favorite movie where your girlfriend is also casted.

You are watching your favorite scene as you heard someone just ring the doorbell. You paused the movie and run outside only to see someone well disguised.

"Hey bab—did you cry!?"

You looked as you recognize the voice of the person standing in front of you. Well even if she won't speak, you'll definitely can recognize her... because she's your girlfriend!

"Jeongyeon!" You squealed and hugged her.

"Oh woah! Wait, I thought you were crying. Let's go inside first." She said which you gladly let her.

You both walk to your living room but she stopped as she saw herself on the screen.

"Seriously babe, whenever I go here, I always see you watching it." She said.

"It's a great movie!"

"That's why you were crying... You've watched it how many times, yet I'm still not your favorite character... so mean." She said.

You just laughed and sat on the couch with her to continue the movie. She knows how much you love the movie. It's not just because she was there but you always say that the movie is so much great. But in real, you relate on the movie so much.

The movie is about a couple being in love with each other. The problem is they have different ways of living. One is a famous celebrity and one is just an ordinary school girl, which your girlfriend, Jeongyeon plays.

You told her that your favorite character is the one that was partnered on her which the one who played the role of the celebrity.

"How's your day?" Jeongyeon asked as she caresses your arm and let you lean your head on her shoulder.

"I literally watched it for three times. I did nothing but that." You honestly said.

"How about you?" You asked and looked up on her.

"Just finished my conference..."

"So you're free for today?"

"Yes babe." She replied and pinched you nose.

"Cute, let's watch all day." You said making her laugh.

"Fine, I will let you." She said.

You bring your eyes on the screen again as you enjoy the embrace of your lover. Just like that, you can consider it as your happy moment with her... but you know there is something more that will let your satisfaction be fulfilled.

"What if they will hate you? They are expecting an idol to be with someone who's in the public eye also... and that is not me." Jeongyeon's role said.

"I don't care. If they truly love me, they will support my decision too. I am human too, I deserve to love someone like you."

For the nth time, tears came out on your eyes again.

"Oh my gosh, this scene never failed to make me cry!" You said.

Jeongyeon ended the movie by turning off the TV. You were confused as you look at her.

"I don't like to see you crying. Let's go outside and grab some wine?"

"Huh?" You uttered and wiped your tears.

😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now