Practice gone wrong (Jeongyeon)

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Today is Friday and just like the usual, you are up to visit your girlfriend at the building who's busy practicing for the up coming comeback they are having.

You prepared a lunchbox where you put all your homemade food that you prepared for Jeongyeon. Knowing your girlfriend, you know how much she wanted everything done perfectly. She wants what's the best for the group's performance and also for their fans who waited for them after several months.

Lately Jeongyeon haven been missing her eating schedule which you found out from Jihyo. She said how much she's worried about her friend that sends worry to you too.

It's already 11:00am. You are getting ready to go to the building. You put your things on your bag and lock your apartment after.

As you get in cab, you got a message from Jihyo saying that they will be having lunch outside and just the usual, Jeongyeon was left att he dance practice room to have more time to practice.

You just sighed upon seeing that message and immediately reply that you'll be there and they don't need to worry.

Not so long, you arrived at the building. You greeted the staffs there and they gladly let you in. That is not a problem as you used to work there and also, your relationship is not secret around the building.

As you got to their floor, you wondered your eyes and saw the last door that will lead you to your girlfriend. You peaked at the glass window and saw that shes still practice the choreography that they will be performing.

You knocked expecting that she would take a look but she's so busy and maybe she didn't hear you cause of music.

You had no choice but to turn the knob and get inside. You cleared your throat and this time she heard you.

As she turned her gaze to your place, she was surprised to see you. Her eyes are wide open and mouth slightly too.

"Your favorite food delivered by your favorite girl." You said as you spread your arms like telling her to come.

She grinned as she run towards your arms but almost as she realized she's all covered with sweat due to hard practice.

"Oh babe, I want to hug you but,"she said as she looked at herself.

You sighed and put down your bag to get something.

"Of course I am ready. I can't let you skip on hugging me just because of that." You said and pull out the towel and walked to her.

You wiped her sweat from her face down to her neck until you think she's all fine. Although you think nothing changed, she still look amazing.

That thought can't help you but to brush your lips to her as you hung your arm around her neck still holding the towel on your hand.

"Hi." You mumbled as you end the kiss to stare at her.

"Hey, you didn't tell your coming."

"It's a surprise. I made lunch for you." You said and gave peck on her lips.

You removed your arm on her to get the bag and unload the things you got in there.

"Jihyo told me you've been down to your practice. I assume you won't push me away to continue your practice over these foods" you said which her chuckled.

She paused the music and sat down beside you. While putting the lunchbox and water jug you brought, Jeongyeon is just looking at you, adoring the way you are taking care of her.

Her hand on your back as she rubs her fingers onto you.

"You're so sweet." She said still eyes on you.

You smiled and opened the lunchbox and finally sat close to her.

"I know, but you need to eat." You said and get your spoon to serve her.

You watched as she let that spoonful in her mouth and reacted at your food.

"How is it?" You asked which she replied with smile.

"It's so good." She said as she finished what's she's eating.

"But something is missing..." she said which made you frown.

You looked at the food you prepared. You were trying to figure out what comes wrong when you really mastered the food you prepared.

"I don't understand... I am sure I didn't miss any ingredients." You said sadly only for Jeongyeon to pull your chin up making you to look at her.

"I know."

"But you said something missing?" You asked confusedly.

She smiled as she brought her lips close to you. Her kiss is something your miss and you won't deny it. Before you could know, you are responding the way it would deepened as if you two have no plan of ending it.

You felt Jeongyeon's hand at your waist supporting you. You felt the ground and you realized that she's hovering over you.

As she pulled, she looked at you and chuckled.

"That's what's missing." She said.

Laughters are just what's in between you and her. You caresses her cheeks as you brought them again for another kiss.

It's feels like new to the both of you. Her lips slid down to your jaw up to your neck. You can't help the euphoria she's sending. After all, you miss every time you make out and this is much unexpected.

"Jeongyeon, the food." You reminded as laughter slip on you.

Its like half of your is battling over giving attention to the food or what is happening to you and Jeongyeon.

"Later, I'll have you first." She said as you felt her smirk as she kissed your neck for the nth time.

As you thought that nothing would stop Jeongyeon on enjoying what she's doing, you heard footsteps coming made you alert.

You pushed Jeongyeon as you sat up. As you looked at her, you saw the confusion not until the door went open and the girls walked in.

"Y/N! You're here!" Momo squeals as she run to you and hug you.

The others greeted you while you are silently wishing they won't notice anything strange.

"Unnie? Did you just put lipstick on?" You heard Chaeyoung asked on Jeongyeon.

The girls looked at Jeongyeon and saw she have lipstick and even smudge at some edge.

You tuck your lips in as you realize that it was your lipstick. But that was a wrong move when Sana saw it and saw the shade of your lipstick matching on Jeongyeon.

Aside from that, Jihyo saw the mess of your shirt. Knowing you, you won't come outside like that.

"You know... let's just act like we don't know what happened." Jihyo said.

"Right." Sana said as the others laugh.

"I don't get it?" Momo said while Chaeyoung just shrugged.

😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now