"I'll do everything for my everything" (Dahyun)

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It's Friday and you're happy because you'll get to enjoy your weekend since your professors didn't leave much work to work on. As you are heading to your dorm, you are already thinking about what you should do for tomorrow and the other day.

Well you have plans in your head. That includes resting, going to groceries but most especially spending time with your girlfriend.

As you got home, you immediately called her. It took a while before she answered but you're not surprised. She's probably busy since being an idol has never been easy.

That's right. Kim Dahyun, an idol and part of one of the most successful kpop girl groups in south korea. You're happy to know that they are here in korea knowing that Twice is quite busy because of tours and such. But this month, luck is on your side.

"Hi, love, we were practicing and I left my phone in my bag." Dahyun explained as soon as she answered the phone.

You could hear her tired sighs as maybe they just finished their practice.

"It's okay, are you done yet? I'm back in my dorm, how are you?" You asked.

"Now that you called? I'm all good. Thanks for calling, how are you?" She asked.

Hearing that just made you smile. You know she meant it and every word from Dahyun just makes you happy. Not until you tell her your plan.

"Well, I know a way to make you feel better." You said as your plan is playing on your head.

It's not something big. You are actually planning to make a wonderful dinner for you two tomorrow. Knowing her, she likes everything you cook. Although you want to take her out, it's quite impossible.

Why? Because she's an idol. You know that the time you enter this set up, you have to accept the consequences, including the secret relationship.

Although your relationship is not that secret. The company, girls, and your family knows it. Everyone that's close to you.

"How about a dinner tomorrow? I'll cook your favorite food." You said anticipating for her reply.

But instead a yes, you received a bad news.

"I'm sorry love, I can't. The girls are planning to have practice tomorrow. It might be ended late too." She said.

You didn't reply right away. Her response just saddens you even if you understand the whole situation. It's just sad that the only time you and Dahyun have is Saturdays and Sundays.

"I'm very sorry my love, I'll make it up to you." She said.

"Okay, I understand." You just said.

"I have to go now, Y/N. I'll call you later if I got time. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, Dahyun, I understand. Just stay safe, okay?"

"You too, I love you."

You let go a silent sighed as you smiled forcefully.

"I love you more."

Saturday had passed and you already finished your plans. To be honest, you don't plan a lot. Yesterday, all you did was lay on your bed and watch as you are so lazy to get up knowing your girl won't be around.

So today is Sunday, you got a morning text from your girl saying good morning. By that, you already know that she'll be having a very long day, especially that she just chose to text you instead of calling you.

But of course you replied and wish her a good day. Now, you're out of the dorm to get groceries. Your fridge is all out so you need to restock them.

After some time, you're done and just have to pay for your groceries. You left the grocery's store with bags in your hands, technically hugging them.

Since your place is not that far, you chose to walk. You're just few blocks away from your building when you saw people crowding in front of your dorm, specifically kids giggling and parents taking pictures.

You were confused but as soon as you got near, you saw a mascot. A short cute purpled hair mascot. Your initial reaction is normal, you squealed as you watch the kids taking pictures with that mascot. Although you want to, you left your phone in your dorm.

As you were planning to enter the building, you were stopped by the mascot.

"Hi." You said cluelessly.

The mascot waved their hand on you. Acting cute and so on. And then it stopped and get something from behind. It gave you a note, and as you read it, you're already starting to have a clue.

"For me?" You asked which made them reply with a nod.

'meet me here.' the note said including the place where you should go.

You looked at the mascot, and it's probably looking at you too.

"Uhm, can you go with me to this place? Just in case." You said.

The mascot nodded and offered a hand with the bags you're carrying. While walking to that place, you're talking to the mascot, saying hoe happy you are that you say that mascot because it literally made your day.

Not so long, you arrived at the place. You were surprised to see a very beautiful place. Everything is organized, it's like a dream daye you could imagine.

You already know it's Dahyun who made this all. But where is she?

As you were just about to ask, you heard her voice from behind.

"Did you like it, my love?"

You turned and saw the girl of your life wearing that mascot that just escorted you.

"Dahyun!" You squealed and ran to her.

"Oh my, I've missed you." You said even if you can't hug her because of how thick her mascot is.

"Wait, let me remove this." She said.

You helped her and wiped her sweat because obviously wearing the mascot is not easy.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm better! You didn't tell me you are planning something like this!"

"Because it's a surprise, silly." She said as she held both of your hand.

"I told you I'll make it up on you." She said before she pulled you gently for a hug.

"I know, I never doubted." You said as you enjoy her embrace.

"I really appreciate it Dahyun, you're really so amazing." You said as you move slightly to stare on her eyes because that's what you wanted to do.

"I'm glad you did, I love you my love. I'll do everything for my everything." She said before brushing her lips on your forehead, nose, and finally, your lips.

"I love you, Dahyun, you really made my day."

"I love you more my love."

😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now