Cold Treatment (Momo)

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It is a normal day for Momo. Actually, it has been always a normal day. Living her days and stick with the same routine.

Nothing really special as she wish there could be. Months ago, she's just living with her life fully. With someone she really love, it's you.

You and her been a couple for long already. Too many things happened and those just made you both strong.

Not until the couple of months of your relationship together. Everything change not on you but with her.

It's already night, and you were lying on the couch at the living room as you wait for Momo. The lights were off and that is not a big deal on you. You actually feel calm on it.

Suddenly, you heard a car outside. You know that it's Momo. You excitedly get off the couch as you wait on your place.

The door went open and Momo didn't even bother to open the lights. She's pretty tired, and you can see it in her face. She sighed as she removed her shoes and drop her things off.

"Hey." You called expecting to see a smile on her, like what she used to do before.

"Had a great day?" You asked feeling stupid.

"Hmm." She just hummed and head at the kitchen. You saw her opened the fridge and with the help of the refrigerator light, you've seen her face clear again.

You stood at the doorway as you just watch her.

"Oh, that's your favorite. I'm sorry I haven't prepared any. I'm afraid to waste some ingredients so I didn't bother."

"It's okay." She said as she sat at the counter and wait for her food to be cook.

"Uhm, Momo." You called.

She just hummed as she bow her head on the table and close her eyes.

"You must be tired." You said sadly.

You stare at her, even in the dark. She's still the same girl you fell in love with. Her beautiful eyes, her long lashes. Her soft lips. You wished that you will see her again to smile, but everyone is just so hard for the both of you after what happened.

Momo opened her eyes again and looked at yours. At that moment, you thought she'll go back. Not until she just sighed and stood up to turn off the stove.

You watched her put the food on the bowl. But the silence is just killing you and seeing her doing nothing is more than painful than anything.

"Momo, do we have a problem?" You asked.

She didn't reply. But you saw her put down the bowl on the sink. She's still facing back but you know that she's listening.

"You never answer my questions." You said and smiled bitterly.

"Do you still love me?" You asked this time with courage.

But again, no words fall from her. Just sighs and gulps that so clear on you because of the silence in the room.

But that is just a moment later, when you heard her starting to sob.


"Y/N, please. Stop." She said without even looking at you.

You felt too much stabs in you. And you starts to wonder why or what she meant by that. Or does she even meant those words.

"Momo." You called again but she just slammed her hand on the sink as she clenched to it.

"Please, you have to stop." She begs.

"Why? Momo, I thought we are getting through this together?"

"Y/N, please. You're dead." She said that put you in confused situation.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not saving you that day. But please, let me go." She cried.

With just that, everything flashes to you. A month ago, there's a fire in your apartment. You died as no one saved you. It is too late when the firemen arrived for help. But before that, you had a talk with Momo on the phone. You two were not doing well before that.

You're relationship is shaking and nearly dying. That's why you decided to stay on your apartment instead. But one night, that day. Momo called you to fix what has been broken. She told you that she'll come and you'll fix your things together.

But that is the last day you talked to her. And been a month for now, you are still hoping that what between you and her will get fix.

"I love you. But please, stop. I am done blaming myself. If I just fix it earlier, you wouldn't going back on your apartment. Maybe you're still here." She said.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm really sorry."

😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now