Strawberry (Chaeyoung)

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"You can tell me if you are tired already. You know, this portrait is not really that good so don't expect."

"It's okay, I'm fine. I'm loving the view." You replied to your girlfriend.

You are standing as she is now sketching you. It is Saturday and you were glad that Chaeyoung has a free time to help you. Your project is to have a portrait of yourself and you doing really have a talent when it comes to sketching. So, you asked Chaeyoung is she's willing and she delightfully said yes.

"I'm all the way done." Chaeyoung said.

After staying for almost an hour. You finally heard it. Although it's not a big thing on you because just like what you said, you were loving the view. And that is Chaeyoung. There is nothing more cuter than a focused Chaeyoung. You can't remove you smiled as she is busy doing the work while you are just staring at her.

"Take you time, you know I can do this all day. Never thought you can be so cute in this situation." You said makes her smile grew and her dimple went deeper.

"It's done." Chaeyoung said.

You excitedly run to her to look on the portrait and you saw that it is well drew.

"Wow! Babe you did well!" You exclaimed as you looked at the portrait with full amusement.

"This is exactly me! Wow, how did you do that?" You asked and looked at her.

She giggled and make you sit next to her.

"Glad you like it."

"Are you serious? I love it! Wow, never thought I can be this beautiful in sketch." You joked.

"You are beautiful babe, you just don't trust yourself too much." She said.

"Alright, but this is so great." You said still looking at the portrait.

"It's not free, you have to treat me." Chaeyoung said.

"Anything you want. Oh let's go, I'll prepare something for us." You said.

You two went out on the room as you walk in the living room. You told her to wait and you'll be cooking lunch for the both of you. But then she refused and she just asked you to stay beside.

"Don't you feel hungry?" You asked.

"Nope, I want you here." She said and hugged you.

You admit that you miss her also. After having a tough day, this is the only day you had together.

"Okay. But let me get something to eat. I'll be back in quick." You said.

She sighed and let go of you. As you walked in the kitchen to look on something to eat. You just grab all the food you can get and walk back to the living room.

"Here." You said as you opened the TV and put down the foods.

"I know you're gonna love this." You said and handed the strawberries that you pull out on the fridge.

You saw her eyes shined as she saw it. Along with the smile which made you giggle.

As you sat beside her, you are both started to enjoy the movie that you are watching.

"Y/N, do you want some strawberry?" She asked.

"Do you really want to share it?" You asked back and laugh.

You know that she's really in love with it and won't share it unless for a THING.

"Yeah." She casually said which surprised you.

"Oh, nice. Yes I want some."

You looked at her as you laid your hand to allow her give you the right amount of the strawberry but she just put down her food on the table as she also grab yours and put it down.

You were a bit surprised as she straddle on you lap and made you to look at her.

"I miss you so much." She said and did wait for your response.

She brought her lips to you and kiss you passionately. You can taste the strawberry on her lips which made you conclude that that is what she's talking about. You wraps your arms on her waist and pulled her closer to you while her hand is combing you hair.

You felt her smirk as you respond on her kiss. After minutes, she stopped and looked at you.

"How is it?" She asked.

"Great, you taste so great." You replied as you are staring at her deeply.

You brought her lips again to you as you just find it so addictive. You let her to kiss you all she wants but she stopped kissing your lips and went down to you neck.

You moaned as you felt her soft lips on your skin.

"Chae- it tickles!" You said but she didn't stop. She sucked you neck which made you whimper in ecstasy as you know that Chaeyoung is doing great to pleasure you.

She went back to you lips and kissed it again.

"You're so beautiful." She said as she tucked you hair at the back of your ears.

She is staring at your eyes while you are looking at her adoringly.

"You look fantastic." You said.

She stared back to you neck as she let her finger trailed on something. It is a mark that she left proudly.

"Especially with this." She smirked.

You smiled and hold her hand tight and kissed it.

"Thank you, for doing this. For making me the most beautiful person. You are such a great artist, you pulled out the best of me."

"I'm always glad to do that. You are beautiful already babe, I want you to realize it." She said and kissed your head.

"I love you."

"I love you too Chaeyoung."

😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now