Rest (Jeongyeon)

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You and Jeongyeon have been together for almost a year. Some might think that living together in one house is a rush moment for couples who only have been together for less than a year.

But for both of you, it's just fine. You both decided as you know that a life of an idol is not easy. And the only way to see each other and have time together is by living in one house. And you're both cool with it.

It's already late yet Jeongyeon is still out. You already expected it since the company just announced that they are having a comeback. And the past few days, they are preparing hard so Jeongyeon coming home late is not a surprise to you.

But still, you decided to make a good dinner for her. You are hoping that as she got home, she still has the energy to eat rather than laying on the bed you both shared.

You checked the time as you also checked the driveway. After some minutes, the person you are waiting for came.

You decided to greet her as she walked in and tell her that you have prepare food for her. But before you could speak, she let out a sigh as she started at you tiredly.

"Hi," you said matching the energy she had given.

Tho it is something you don't want to do. It just happened unconsciously. You wanted to greet her with all your energy but seeing her down makes you feel like it is not the right time for that.

"I'm sorry, I went home late, sweetheart. We had a long practice and I can't just leave the girls."

You smiled faintly as you helped her with her things.

"It's okay, but I prepared food for dinner in case you're hungry." You said.

You saw her expression change and you know exactly what it means.

"I could just keep it if you want. I'll heat it tomorrow?" you said.

Jeongyeon being a good partner had noticed how you are so considerate of her situation. She's really tired and the only way she knows is to go to the bed and rest. But seeing that you made an effort even knowing she may arrive late and tired made her think of something.

"No, it's okay. I'll just take a bath and be down after." She said before kissing you and walking to your room.

You smiled at the thought that she still decided to eat the food you prepared.
You went back to the dining room and waited.

After some minutes, you noticed that Jeongyeon is taking so long in your room. We immediately head to your room as you starting to think unwanted thoughts but as you walked in the door, you stopped when you saw her laying on your bed.

Based on what you see, she already taken a bath. She's wrapped with bathrobe.

You sighed as you walked closer to her, making sure you do it quietly.

You already know that she's tired. She did try but long day really affected her.

You tucked her under the blanket and made sure that she's sleeping comfortable.

As you were about to leave since you remember to keep the food you had left in the kitchen, Jeongyeon stopped you by gently grabbing your wrist.

"Hey, I thought you're already sleeping." You whispered as you sat down on the side of the bed.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm just really tired."

"It's okay, you don't have to say sorry. You can go to sleep now." You said as you caressed her arm.

"Can you stay? I miss cuddling you before we fell asleep. The past few days made it hard for me."

You smiled and lay beside her. After all, you missed that moment too. You went closer to her as you smell the fragrance of the bathsoap she used.

"Can I say one thing before we sleep?" She asked.

You looked up at her as you were resting on her chest. As you did that, she's already looking at you.

Same tired eyes can be seen in her. But you can see that she's really trying not to fall asleep without saying what she want to say.


"You're the best girl ever. I'm so glad I am here with you... And I am looking forward to the days and nights with you. I know I've been busy, but I'll make it up to you, I promise." She said while caressing your cheek.

"I love you, my love."

You smiled as you gave her a peck on her lips. Both of you drawn a smile as you stared with each other.

"I love you too. I'll wake you up tomorrow so you can still eat breakfast before you go."

"Okay, goodnight."

"Sweetdreams, love."

😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now