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While I was working on Complete Relativity (CR) and The Solar System analysis I kept telling people I'm writing a scientific paper but they kept saying I am writing a book. I didn't get the meaning of that then, but now I came to realize that I was destined to write at least one book after all. So, here it is. This, however, I'd call one of short-term destinies or goals of my evolution. The long-term or inter-incarnational one is, of course, to understand the universe observable outside me, unobservable inside me and the one I am.

The more I understand the more I can observe, the more I do not see and the more I know there is to me, so the quest may go on forever.. but that seems not to bother the self of me.

Why do I have this insatiable urge to understand is hard to tell. I could say that's simply the way I'm programmed but why was I programmed that way then?

The question of why seems irrelevant if destiny is involved but I've also found that everything is completely relative so, like destiny, the why too must be relatively relevant somewhere sometime. Why not now? Quod erat demonstrandum.. or not. Relativity is confusing from an absolute point of view. That's why most people don't understand me - absolutely, I cannot be understood. No thing can be absolutely understood though.. it's just that short-term people are programmed to insist on absolute absolutism. Among such people it's my short-term destiny for my long-term me and its long-term solutions to be ignored, pushed aside and ridiculed. My repeating short-term destiny seems to be the [cyclic] suffering, but I believe its magnitude is decreasing proportionally to my increasing knowledge. When evolving, knowledge is power.

The book of life: Evolution of my self through incarnation 33Where stories live. Discover now