Ageing bodies

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I am aged 41 at this point in time (creation of this chapter). My hair is still black (dark brown) and thick with no signs of grey. However, I've started noticing some changes elsewhere about a year ago. Instead of one or two grey hairs in my beard that appeared a couple of years ago I now see a couple of dozen, still vastly outnumbered by black hairs but a change nevertheless. Another change is the possible change in eyesight. Until now my eyesight has been impeccable but I have been noticing signs of shortsightedness last year. Nothing serious and I won't be wearing spectacles any time soon, but it was noticeable at times. However, I do not notice it now.

The reason I'm writing about my obviously slow ageing is only to provide another evidence going in favor of my hypotheses. I have

predicted previously that I should naturally die about the age of 84 []. This rate of ageing certainly goes in favor of that hypothesis. I have also hypothesized that one of my past incarnations was I. Newton and that his intelligence and way of life started dominating my life after soul transformation about the age of 36. Some state that Newton's hair started naturally growing grey about the age of 43. However, his hair actually turned grey for the first time when he was 27 years old. The reasons are unknown - some speculated it was a result of his experiments or stress, Newton thought it was a disease. In any case, this greying was obviously not ageing related (Newton died at the age of 84) and it may have eventually reversed (yes, studies show this is possible in non-ageing related greying), so one can safely assume that natural greying of his hair did start some time about the age of 43. There are statements going in favor of this, ie. J. Conduitt notes on the old Newton:

"His head of hair, as white as snow, was full with no baldness. Even as an old man he retained the bloom and colour of youth and all his teeth except one."

W. Stukeley said he was shortsighted young but not at old age. This is confirmed by Z. Pearce, who, a few days before Newton's death, visited him:

"I found him writing over his Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms, without the help of spectacles, at the greatest distance of the room from the windows, and with a parcel of books on the table, casting a shade upon the paper. Seeing this, on my entering the room, I said to him, 'Sir, you seem to be writing in a place where you cannot so well see.' His answer was, 'A little light serves me.'"

Conduitt stated however that Newton was short-sighted in his age but had not been so as a boy.

With all things considered I'd say that Newton too aged slowly. As for the shortsightedness, I believe it appeared at times but was not permanent - the cause for its appearance may be similar to the cause of his early grey hair. And it seems temporary shortsightedness is happening to me too. Based on my experience, I believe ageing reversals happen at times of soul transformation.

After my own transformation in thirties even my face looked younger - some were even saying I have "ironed" my face. One could argue, however, that the reason I looked older before transformation is because I was depressed and under stress (I wasn't under great stress but I have been depressed). But the fact is - depression is not only absent now, I'm incapable of being depressed now (sadness is something else though) so I attribute this to transformation rather than to absence of stressors.

Newton experienced soul transformation about the age of 35 and then again about the age of 50. Thus, I might experience another reversal about the age of 50.

Tesla too claimed impeccable eyesight and aged slowly (died aged 86). Not sure if he experienced temporary episodes of shortsightedness but it seems his transformations occurred at somewhat different ages.

It seems my transformations are more aligned with Newton but what does it mean? That this personality will dominate? I do feel more like Newton than Tesla at this point in time...

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