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I ran back to the hall as quickly as I could. The blood pounded in my ears. Had that honestly happened? I was never going to get that image out of my head. I really hoped that Sean would do the right thing. I was no good at keeping secrets. I entered the hall and made a beeline for Shannon and McKenzie. "What the hell took you so long?" Shannon hissed at me, I handed the inhaler to a still wheezing McKenzie. When she had caught her breath she said, "Thanks. You look like you've seen a ghost, what's wrong?" "Yeah, you're looking a little green," Shannon said, reaching her hand up to touch my forehead. "Nothing," I said with a strangled laugh, pulling away from Shannon. McKenzie was oblivious to my anxiety as Sean stepped back into the room, Shannon, however, knew that something was up. "Girls! I just can't believe he chose me! I'm probably the luckiest girl in the world." She said as she watched her husband come towards us. The look of disgust must have shown on my face as Shannon gave me a quizzical look and I mouthed 'later.' "Ladies, do you mind if I steal my wife for a dance?" he asked cutting between me and McKenzie. He looked at me directly and I hoped he'd be upright with her, I don't know if I was expecting him to tell her right there and then but I hoped that it would be soon. My skin crawled when I looked at him. Shannon definitely knew that something was up. "Sure, we'll go get a drink." She said taking my hand and pulling me away from the couple. "What the hell is up?" she asked when we were out of their earshot. Before I answered a waiter came past with glasses of champagne and I took two, Shannon made to take the extra glass from me but I'd downed the first one and then chased it down immediately with the other. "Whoa! Okay? What is going on?" she said putting her outstretched hand down again. "I can't tell you here," I felt the champagne rise like bile in my throat. Why did I have to see that? The champagne made me feel a bit nauseas as bile rose up my throat, "I think I'm going to be sick." I ran towards the bathroom and flung myself into the first stall. Shannon held my hair back and I purged every emotion I'd felt since walking into the chalet. Once I'd finished, I got up off the floor, with tears running down my cheeks. Shannon looked at me with quiet concern. I washed my face and cleared the mascara that had run down my cheek and washed my mouth from the bitter taste left in my mouth. "Okay, please tell me what's wrong... You're making me worried." She looked as stressed as I felt. "Sean is cheating on McKenzie with a prostitute." the words just tumbled out of my mouth as I retold what I had seen. Shannon was stunned, "What are you going to do?" "I don't know Shan, I mean I told Sean to tell her first, but what if he doesn't. How do I tell her something like this?"

Suddenly the stall next to the one I had used burst open to reveal a livid looking McKenzie. "HOW DARE YOU!" she screamed at me and she moved so quickly that I thought she was going to attack me. "McKenzie I-" "You're one of my best friends and you have the audacity to spread such lies?! Are you that bitter? I don't understand!" "Mac, I promise-" I tried to explain what was going on, but she kept cutting me off. "Don't Mac me! You're trying to ruin my special day." Her blue eyes burned with anger. "This is the problem with you, you can't leave well enough alone! No wonder no one wants to be with you." "That's enough!" Shannon interrupted "You can't speak to her like that. She's trying to be a good friend!" "This does not concern you!" she turned on Shannon, "You two are no longer welcome, take your dates and leave. I am done with you." She turned on her heels and left. Her words still haunted me on those rare occasions when your brain reminded you of all those weird things you did or said in the past. Her voice now, however, brought me back from my reverie. "You were right," she whispered.

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