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My head whipped around when I heard, "May I take a photo of the table?" His voice breathed into my ear.

Despite my long sleeves and the heat in the restaurant, goose bumps instantly rose on my skin as the familiar peppermint and cologne scent filled the air around me.

Without regard for the rest of us, Viola answered, "Yes please, but take it from the left side, that's my good side."

Giving me a small smile Luca obliged and moved around the table. I took in his appearance and my heart stopped for a second, I hadn't noticed before but his hair had grown a little bit although the sides were still quite short, the top of his hair was combed to the side but some of his fringe brushed his forehead. He wore a black button-up shirt without a waistcoat this time and dark blue jeans. The sleeves were rolled up past his elbows, the same way he had them at Legrey's engagement party. His tie was a deep crimson colour, the same as the wedding colours.

He took our picture and gave me a small nod before he moved on to another table. I watched him as he worked and felt an incredible surge of attraction. I watched him make his way towards the door when Shannon and Richard came through it and he clicked away at the couple. And as was expected Patrick waltzed in with his new conquest right after them, posing for Luca who still thought he was taking pictures of the couple. Patrick's date was a tall, burly fellow with dark brown hair and light blue eyes. In the meantime, Alexi had given up stalking her photographer after he hadn't paid her much attention and had found a random chair which she had pulled up and squeezed in between me and McKenzie. We watched the spectacle of Patrick and his date walk over to us and I heard Alexi quietly say, "What a waste. I would climb him like a tree." Champagne nearly came out of my nose and McKenzie, who was on the brink of hysteria, had to turn her head to the side, her body shaking with silent laughter. I tapped McKenzie to get her to compose herself as Patrick and his date approached our table.

"Rachel! McKenzie!" We got up to receive air kisses from Patrick as he said our names. The new guy hung back and Alexi must have seen this as her opportunity because she flung herself past Patrick and threw her arms around his date clinging to him.

Patrick cleared his throat, "Uhm, this is Darren." He introduced us awkwardly, "We met through work friends."

"Oh, so nice to finally meet you," I said extending my hand out to shake his, "I'm Rachel."

"Likewise," he said managing to lift his forearm up as Alexi still had her vice-like grip around his upper arms and her head on his chest.

"McKenzie," McKenzie said awkwardly doing the same motion then tapping Alexi and saying, "And this is Alexi." McKenzie gently shoved Alexi.

At the sound of her name and the shove, Alexi reluctantly let go of Darren then looked him dead in the eye and said, "I'm down to get down." Promptly she excused herself to go to the bathroom.

I looked after her dumbfounded and then we all broke into peals of hysterical laughter.

"C'mon, let's get you guys a drink," McKenzie said looping her arms through the guys', leading them to the bar.

The night carried on in a typical rehearsal dinner fashion: there were speeches from various family members and the food was to die for. At some point, someone shifted some tables and made a dance floor because the hired DJ was that good. Almost all the guests were having a good time on the dance floor.

Shannon was so excited, she had made her way around the room, but by the time she had finally made her rounds to our table, I was the only one at it. I couldn't think straight with Luca walking around so I just stayed where I was catching glimpses of him here and there. Each time our eyes met he would give me a look or wink that left me breathless. The tension between us was so palpable that I was surprised no one else noticed or if they did they didn't say anything.

"I can't wait for tomorrow!" She breathed plopping down on the chair next to me, "Just look at everyone! I hope they still have energy for the reception."

"I'm sure they will," I said taking her in, "It's going to be a beautiful day."

"It is, isn't it?" She smirked and then her face got suddenly serious, "Why didn't you tell me what's been going on?"

"Oh, Shan, Who told you?" I said exhaling air through my mouth,

"Does it matter?" she replied, "The point is you left me out." "How could I bother you with all my crap when you've had so much on your plate?" I said fixing my bun, it had become tight and was pulling on my scalp.

"No, it's not right. You could have just let me know that your life is in danger." She said reaching up to help me straighten the bun out.

"It's not really in danger," I said looking back out onto the dance floor, "It's just poor life choices."

"Okay and what about Luca? You never told me about any of it. Thank goodness Patrick let it slip about what was going on because I nearly fired the man!"

Guilt started creeping in, I thought I hadn't let Shannon in on anything because I didn't want to be a distraction, "I really thought that by the time you got back from your honeymoon that all this," I gestured my hands up and around to emphasises the 'this', "would be sorted. Never did I intend on keeping it from you."

"But you did," she said looking and sounding sad, "We have been best friends for how long? I want to be there for you in everything, especially when you are facing a potentially life-ending threat. What if I lost you and I didn't even know it was happening? Richard nearly blew his top when I told him about your stalker situation, he says that if he ever sees that scumbag he'll personally take him down."

"I'm really sorry I just wanted everything to be simple." My eyes started welling up.

"It's okay," she said wiping tears from her eyes too then opening her arms up to give me a hug. "Just keep me informed on your love life okay? And maybe background checks next time!"

We laughed and sniffed and then she said, "Okay now tell me everything from the start!"

"Alright but I think we need something to drink." We walked to the bar as I told her all she wanted to know and passed Viola who was seated next to another pregnant lady with Sarah by her side. The three of them were discussing something baby-related. My story seemed to scandalise Shannon because I saw her flash through emotions of horror and anger and terror in a matter of minutes. Maybe I didn't really realise the true danger I was in. We kept chatting and watched as Alexi finally emerged from the bathroom and took to the dance floor, breaking it down with one of Shannon's uncles. McKenzie was chatting with Patrick and Darren. I listened with half an ear as Shannon told me about her dad and father-in-law and how they had made her mom and mother-in-law go on a spa together so that they could get along.

"I couldn't believe it! When I saw them the next day they were best buds, they agreed on everything. I'm so thankful because this week has been hectic."

I was glad to see her so happy, when I related my story of the twisted love triangle I had got myself into she was sympathetic and reassured me that she would be there for me no matter what. She even wanted to cancel her honeymoon.

"Are you insane? I would never expect that. Besides I'll be safe, I've got McKenzie and Patrick and Darren (if they make it past Sunday) and ..." I trailed off looking around the room, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

She gave me a look but before I could say any more, Richard came over and whisked her away to the dance floor. So I made my way to the bathroom which as usual had a line of ladies waiting.

I watched the scene in front of me and my heart was full. There were so many people in my life to be thankful for. Luca had disappeared for a bit and I figured he was taking a break. His colleague was still busy at the photo booth which also had a line.

What is it with people and photo booths, I thought to myself watching as an elderly couple were trying on Stetson hats and random glasses. The couple behind them were armed and ready, the lady had a purple feather boa around her neck and the man had a fake moustache with an afro wig. I giggled slightly as the woman straightened the man's wig out.

Suddenly I felt a presenceclose behind me, "Don't move." 

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