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I stayed at the bar for another hour but I didn't drink anything. I just didn't feel like going home and being alone. My mind kept replaying the events that had happened up until Luca had Left. The weird forehead kiss and then how awkward it felt before Patrick had interrupted us. I had to find out what was what with Luca once and for all. I made up my mind to go to Malcolm Park the next day. The next morning I got up and had breakfast. I felt confident and sure that I would get answers. I rummaged through my cupboard, trying to find my white sundress with small lavender flowers on it. I smoothed the skirt of the dress down and put on some make-up and a light spritz of my favourite perfume before making my way to my car. I had texted Shannon to see if she wanted to come with me and give her a break from the wedding planning. She had readily agreed. So I swung past her place to pick her up. Shannon invited me to a cake tasting the following week to help pick out wedding decor. As maid of honour, I was obliged to be interested even though my mind kept drifting. It was a twenty-minute drive to Malcolm Park and mentally I played different situations over in my mind. Step one: I would arrive and find him, he'd be busy with a shoot and I'd tap him on the shoulder. Step two: He'd turn around and when he saw it was me he'd scoop me into his arms and kiss me passionately or Step three: I would play hard to get and make him beg. I was fine with either one. All I knew was that I was madly attracted to him. I just had to find out if he felt the same way about me. "...And my soon-to-be mother-in-law, on top of my own mother, is driving me crazy! We had to plan the menu last week and she was in tears because my dad said that he wasn't sure about mushrooms!" She took out her phone and started typing away, "Okay, so the bridesmaid's dress fitting is in two weeks, don't forget." She turned to look at me, "Hello? Earth to Rachel." She snapped her fingers at me. "Sorry," I apologised. "Sorry! I'm just so nervous," I said glancing at her. "Wow, you must really like this guy." She smiled at me putting her phone away, "I feel like we haven't spoken about anything else but my wedding. Tell me everything!" I started at the very beginning. I don't know why I hadn't told her sooner. "Shut up! He did not punch that guy out?!" She exclaimed slapping her thigh. "I swear he did. And that's why we're going to this thing." "Ok so do you have a plan?" "I do not," I said sheepishly, embarrassed of my three-pronged plan to make this guy mine. Malcolm Park was a botanical garden that was open to the public, you couldn't bring your dog or anything but otherwise, it was used for all kinds of activities. They had concerts and stage shows, and some evenings they played movies on a giant screen. On this day, however, the park had been overtaken by countless photographers and models. Dozens of white and green backdrops, material draping and foil reflectors lined makeshift photo studios. I wondered if the organiser of the event had checked the weather because the day was overcast but warm. The models were stunning and skinny just like I had seen on Fashion TV. This must have been a big event because I caught different accents from different people, models and photographers alike. The event was open to the public and someone handed us a brochure with information about the event. And it turned out to be an art show, within an art show. Some artist had had the idea to do a living art exhibition. The art was the photographers and their process of making their own art: the photos. It seemed complicated because I didn't know if there was a prize to be won or how the artist made a living but watching the photographers' work was a treat for the eyes. There were so many exhibitions that we didn't know how we were going to find Luca. So Shannon decided that we should start at the beginning and make our way through. As we walked from exhibit to exhibit I understood the concept more and more. It wasn't just the photographer who was the artist but there were wardrobe stylists and make-up artists and hairstylists and lighting people not to mention the models themselves which all played a part in making a success of their pictures. The photographer had the vision and everyone else had to follow that vision. It was fascinating seeing how every team worked differently. Some were shouting at one another and laughing and talking, giving instructions to each other. Others worked clinically and methodically using boards and lists and diagrams. By lunchtime, we had passed at least ten exhibitions and we were starting to get hungry. "I don't know Ray, we might not find this guy." Shannon pulled out her brochure which has a map of the park and found a makeshift food court in the middle of the park. Parked there, were a bunch of food trucks selling different kinds of food. I settled on a chicken sandwich and Shannon ordered a halloumi wrap and we found a bench to sit on. I took the wrapper off my sandwich and bit into it enjoying the sounds of the people around me. Halfway through my sandwich, I heard a familiar voice that made my stomach flip. I turned my head in the direction it had come from and there he was. Shannon followed my gaze, "That's him?" "Uhuh," I swallowed hard, "Girl this is your chance! Go for it!" He was advising someone about a specific lens they needed. Shannon was right this was my chance. I needed to let him know that I was there and that I would wait for a chance to talk. I imagined him introducing me to all his colleagues and then having them recognise me from the Instagram page, putting two and two together. Giddy, I stood up, half-eaten sandwich in hand and made my way over to where he was standing when a tall blond came bobbing up to him, she called his name and his head snapped up. He gave her a wide smile of recognition. I thought it was one of his modals because she was just so beautiful. He opened his arms to embrace her and she fell right into them. I stood motionless watching them, half a smile plastered over my face, still clutching my sandwich, my resolve had halved. They moved closer together and I watched in horror as their lips touched and became a deep, passionate kiss. Recognition dawned on me as I remembered seeing the blond last Friday at Nick's. He has a girlfriend the solitary thought echoed through my head. My sandwich fell from my hand and tears stung my eyes. I turned my back on Luca and made my way back to the car passing Shannon on the way. It all made sense. The weird forehead kiss, the strange vibe between us. I had been reading far too much into everything. He saw my vulnerability and for whatever reason decided to string me along with his flirting and beating up Chris. Shannon's voice came from behind me, "I suppose this is the wrong time to tell you that I hired Mercury photography for my wedding, huh?"

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