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We drove to my house in silence, the afternoon events had left me exhausted. I was grateful that Luca didn't want to speak. Being this close to him made me want to cry, I wasn't sure if it was because I had nearly been killed twice in one day or if it was because my life was blowing up right in front of my face. And this man, this man just kept saving me. I couldn't afford to spend more time with Luca, it hurt too much and I didn't want to give myself hope.
Upon leaving the police station I texted McKenzie asking her if I could spend the night at her house and that I would explain the situation when I got there. Then I sent an email to my boss telling her that I wasn't feeling well and that I planned on going to the doctor the next day. Before I knew it we were outside my house. Luca waited in the car, while I packed my things in a bag. I packed enough for up until the end of the weekend. I was certain McKenzie wouldn't mind, seeing as she had all that space. "Where to?" he asked politely once I was back in his car. I gave him the address and he punched it into his GPS. I could have just directed him but I was afraid that my voice would betray me. "Thanks so much for driving me around," I said quietly, he looked at me for a second then back at the road. "You really do have bad luck." He replied with a small smile. "Right?" I said returning the smile. We fell back into an uncomfortable silence. The closer we got to McKenzie's house the less time there would be to say anything.
Luca must have felt the same way, "You know-".
"I wanted-" we said at the same time. "You go first," he said, his eyes still on the road. I decided to go with something that wouldn't make me want to hit him. "Before I blocked you I saw your Instagram page." I thought I saw his cheeks colour a bit, "And I thought to myself, wow Instagram is for amateurs." I tried to sound light-hearted but I don't know if it translated because the fatigue was setting in. "Yeah, well my company expanded quicker than what I expected and suddenly all these youngsters are telling me: 'Psha! You aren't a legit business without social media, dude', especially a photography company." He mimicked what I think he thought young people sounded like and I struggled to stifle a giggle. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you make it a company? Most photographers I know have an assistant at the most." I said adjusting myself in the seat, my body was sore. "Truth be told, I'm not sure. I guess my name is pretty big in the photography world and I taught some of the guys in uh...that used to hang out with me some stuff about photography and we just became a thing," he answered. It was so nice to see him being open. Silence fell over us again. "I'm so sorry for the trouble I've caused you," I said looking down at my lap. "Well, I don't feel much better than our friend the psycho stalker. I've followed you twice." He said turning into McKenzie's street. "I was sweating bullets thinking that the Detective lady would lock me up if she thought I was like Chris, Robert," He corrected. "What do you mean?" I said looking at him. He sighed, not taking his eyes off the road, "The night at the bar, when psycho hurt you the first time, you checked in online and I saw it, I also saw that you liked a picture on my account. I was in the neighbourhood so I came by. I wanted-," He corrected again, "-needed to see you." I really, really need to set my account to private, I thought, but my heart sped up at his words, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Then dread set in because the blond girl flashed before my eyes. "You really should make your account private." He said, his cheeks still flushed, "When I got to the bar though, your friend, the flamboyant one..." "Patrick." I provided. "Right, Patrick. Well, I heard him say that you hate me." He still hadn't taken his eyes off the road even though we had already stopped on the street outside the gate of the complex. He didn't say anything else. He said it as a statement but he meant it as a question. "Oh," was all I managed to get out as the whooshing sound came back to my ears, I couldn't believe that he had heard that, I couldn't believe that he had come looking for me. I couldn't believe anything. I felt like I was watching myself from outside my body. "Look I get it, I know how I can get." He sounded almost sad. "It's just-" "I came to look for you the next day, at Malcolm Park." I interrupted and he looked confused. "At the engagement party, you invited me to come and see what you do." "You did? Why didn't I see you?" he looked at me for the first time. "I went around looking for you, and I saw you. Kissing a blond." I made it to get out of the car. It was breaking my heart to be this close to him. Before I could get myself out of the car he pulled my arm and I crashed against him. His chest was hard but warm. I tilted my head to look at him, our faces inches apart. I tried to pull away but he held me tighter. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to release me. Instead, I felt his lips brush against mine. They were soft and seeking and I couldn't resist him. His tongue lightly touched the opening of my mouth and I parted my lips. The kiss became frenzied and wanting. The electricity that passed between us was there, in his hands that no longer held me captive but traced my every contour. My hands made their way to his hair, my fingers raking their way through his locks. The initial frenzy made way for a long deep kiss that I felt all the way down to my toes. A heat I couldn't explain spread down me, making me feel things I hadn't felt for a long time. My senses had totally left me, as he moved his mouth from mine and traced kisses down my cheek until he found my neck. The sensation was mind-numbing. All I could think about was him, his tongue making small circles in the most intimate of places. He pulled up to look at me, "I have waited so long for this." He leaned back in to kiss me and the sensation left me breathless. His hands made their way under my shirt and I could feel his fingers tracing around my bra, giving me goosebumps, and making me shake. Panting we pulled apart again. This is wrong, my brain reminded me. "We can't do this," I said pulling out of his grip. As much as I wanted to stay right there in it, I had to get away. At first, he looked disappointed but then his face became unreadable. "You're right I understand." We moved away from each other and I got out of the car. The cool night air felt good against my heated face. Luca stayed in the car but he watched my every move. McKenzie still hadn't answered me about coming over, I went to the guardhouse and he rang McKenzie's house number but there was no answer. I tried calling her cell but no one answered. I figured that she was probably out, but I didn't know where else to go. Damien was away with his new guy friend and I didn't want to burden Shannon with this so close to her wedding. "She's not home and she's not answering her phone. I'm sorry to ask but would you mind maybe just dropping me off at a hotel?" I said through his open window. "The Detective said you couldn't be alone, you'll just have to come home with me," he said unlocking the doors again. I knew this was a bad idea but I looked around me and realised that I had no other choice. I climbed back into the car and he pulled off.  

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