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After my phone call with Shannon, I Googled ways to get out of a mentalfunk. One online article suggested that apart from drugs and copious amounts ofwater, exercise would be the next best thing. I didn't belong to a gym and theidea of running outdoors made me feel ill so I found a cute yoga studio throughsocial media and decided that it was just what I needed to find balance andmaybe rid my mind of all the negativity. I checked in on Facebook whenI reached the yoga place because the studio offered a free smoothie on yourthird online check-in. I had to fill in forms before the class began because itwas my first time. The lady at the front desk was wearing loose-fitting pantsand a top that was miles too big for her but I had to admit that she looked very comfortable. Her curly hair was tied back in a head scarf and shehad a serene look on her face. "Please help yourself to some cucumberwater before the class starts." Her voice was crisp and gentle. She had asmall nametag that read 'Nova' pinned to her top. "Oh, thanks," I said handing her theclipboard with the form I had filled in. I filled in the forms looking forwardto the burn I would feel in my muscles. Behind the front desk was a chalkboard,it detailed different events and special classes on certain days. On Mondaysthey had hot yoga, on Thursdays they had yoga for moms, Sundays they had all-dayyoga. There was also a section with pictures of mostly men pinned to the wall.Once I put the clipboard in Nova's hands I turned around to get some of thewater she had mentioned I dug around in my bag looking for my phone andwondered whether the yoga for moms was for women who already had children orwomen who were pregnant. Not looking where I was going I bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry –" I began to apologisewhen I looked up to see who it was. My heart hammered at lightning speed. Chris towered over me looking menacing. Hehad gym clothes on but I doubted very much that he was here to perfect hisdownward-facing dog. His blue eyes glinted coldly and his face pulled into anasty grin, "I told you this wasn't over." I took a step back as hecame closer. I could feel his breath on my face. I looked around, the entrancehall was empty and Nova had gone to the back. I had a bad feeling about this. Itried to be brave but my voice betrayed me, "What are you doing here?How... how did you find me?" "I've got myways." That was all he said taking another step toward me. I was backed upagainst the counter and there was nowhere for me to go. I looked back and Ithought about yelling for Nova. "Nuh uh uh, don't even think aboutit." He said through gritted teeth as though he could hear my thoughts. "What do you want from me?" I asked willingsomeone, anyone, to open the door and come in. "What I want is you." He said with a hollow laugh, "but you don't seemto want me back, all you want is that scrawny creep from the bar." Despitebeing in, probably, the most danger since the last time I saw Chris at Nick'sbar, a stab of pain hit my chest at the mention of Luca. There must have beena pained expression on my face because his mouth twisted into a sadistic smile,"He doesn't want you either?" he laughed genuinely, "That isrich!" Hearing it out loud made me want to cry but before I could answerhim the doors that led to the yoga floor opened and a stream of sweating,pregnant women came in with different coloured yoga mats which were either rolledup, tucked under their arms or slung over their shoulders. They were chatteringaway noisily and no one seemed bothered by Chris and me. Some went to get somewater and others were going out the front door. I sent up a silent prayer,thankful for small mercies and that it was Thursday. Disturbed by theintrusion, Chris shifted his body back to an upright position but he was stillso close to me I could feel his body heat. Without saying anything, he gave mea meaningful glare; he still hadn't made a move to leave despite the chatteringwoman. A voice behind him made me start. 

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