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· 。゚☆: *.☽
V I S I Q U E     V I O L E T   ▎
PROLOGUE    ━━   the winter soldier.
·゚*ೃ *  the triplets

࿔·゚*ೃ࿐ ࿔*  the triplets

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          𝓑aron Strucker connected his hands together at his back, listening to the man infront of him talk about their recent problem, "It's over

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𝓑aron Strucker connected his hands together at his back, listening to the man infront of him talk about their recent problem, "It's over. Fury has released everything to the public."

"Everything he knows about." Strucker's response was short and simple.

"Herr Strucker, if they get word of our work here, if they find out we serve HYDRA . . ." The man started but got cut off by Strucker who started to walk pass him.

"HYDRA, S.H.I.E.L.D." Strucker listed, "Two sides of coin that's no longer currency. What we have is worth more than any of them ever knew." By now, the two of them were standing infront of a scepter that had a glowing blue rock on the head. Loki's scepter. "We've only scratched the surface and already," He trailed off.

Strucker stood there for a few seconds, admiring the weapon, before walking away with the man trailing behind him. He continued, "there are other facilities doing HYDRA's good work around the world. We'll feed them to Captain America and his colorful friends, and keep them off our scent."

"What about the volunteers?" The man asked, gesturing to the group of people who volunteered to become one of HYDRA's enhanced creations.

Strucker glanced at the man beside him before looking back infront of him as they both continued walking, "The dead will be buried so deep their own ghosts won't be able to find them."

"And the survivors?" At those words, Strucker stopped walking and his thoughts were filled with three siblings that were able to survive the procedure and became the successful enhanced. Strucker's face then held a grin as he spoke his next words,

"The triplets."

In a large room that had three cells were three individuals residing in one cell of their own. One boy and two girls. Triplets. The boy was running around in his cell with superhuman speed as he leaves a light blue trail behind him, it looked like he was slowly going crazy. Pietro Maximoff.

The older looking girl was on the floor on her knees, she was playing with wooden boxes that floated up in the air. Her hands glowed a scarlet almost red mist. Wanda Maximoff.

In the last cell, a young girl was sat on the floor on a criss-cross sitting position, she held her hands away from her body as white and violet sparks came out of them, you could tell that she was concentrating on trying to achieve something. Lucrecia Maximoff.

"Sooner or later, they will meet the triplets. It's not a world of spies anymore. Not even a world of heroes. This is the age of miracles, Doctor. There's nothing more horrifying than a miracle."

The girl who was playing with the blocks hardened her hands before bringing them closer together as if she were to crush something, the blocks followed her hands and crashed into eachother making them break.

Just as the young girl did that, the other one who seemed to finally activate her power widened her eyes as a large force field, that was a transparent white with violet sparks and mist on it with a violet glow, formed around her which then extended to the whole building, thus, a magical barrier surrounded the building they were currently inside of.

The building shook as everyone in it grew alarmed. They all looked outside the window to see a purple barrier start to cover the whole structure, Strucker's face held a grin as he knew who did such thing.

"My, my. Little Witch, how you amaze me." He muttered, a little bit stunned that she was able to do it.

Pietro and Wanda Maximoff looked at the youngest triplet with wide eyes, Lucrecia Maximoff was looking at her hands in amazement. None of them said a word until Pietro decided to speak up, "Lu, what did you do?"

Lucrecia looked up at her brother, grinning. "I just activated my power."

And it was going to get a whole lot more powerful in the future, to the point where it could kill her.

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet your greatest nightmare... Lucrecia Maximoff.

 Lucrecia Maximoff

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word count: 704

kara speaking...
   this is the end credits scene from captain america: the winter soldier btw incase u didn't know. i'm really excited for this book because i have a lot of plans for ms maximoff, you'll just have to wait and see !



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