𝟎𝟎𝟓. vision

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· 。゚☆: *.☽
V I S I Q U E     V I O L E T   ▎

☽▎V I S I Q U E     V I O L E T   ▎

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· 。゚୧ ⋆. 𝗩𝗜𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗡. ₊˚.༄
he's unique and he's in pain

          𝓟ietro sped the three of them to a market where they saw the Avengers fighting Ultron on the television. Lucrecia looked at her siblings who were already looking at her. Pietro saw the look on both of his sisters' faces and he grabbed both of their hands before speeding to a moving train where Ultron was.

It seems that they got there in time as Ultron and Captain America were having a wrestling match. Pietro sped between them, breaking their little fight. Ultron stepped towards Pietro but got stopped by metal bars that had a red mist around them.

Ultron turned around to see Wanda with her hands infront of her as they glowed red. Steve turned around in his seat to look, he went to stand up but got pushed down by a violet mist.

"Stay. Don't move." He looked up to see Lucrecia infront of him with violet mists coming from her fingertips to his torso which was now surrounded by the violet magic. Steve tried to move but was stuck, he guessed that she made him frozen once again.

"Please, don't do this." Ultron begged.

"What choice do we have?" Wanda replied. Ultron turned to where Pietro was and sent a blast towards him, the teenager moved out of the way with his supernatural speed which made the orange blast hit the end of the train as it created a hole.

Ultron looked to the youngest Maximoff and sent the same blast at her and Steve but she quickly placed her hand infront of herself and created a force field to protect both herself and Steve. The blast hit the barrier and jumped back to Ultron, his own blast hit him back in the chest as he flew out of the train.

Due to her being distracted by Ultron and him trying to kill her, she lost focus on the magic she placed on Steve which made him free and able to move again.

"I lost him! He's headed your way!" Steve informed his team as he sprinted to the train driver. Steve shook him but he didn't wake up, he was out unconscious.

The train left the train tracks and went to the road which made the train shake as the people inside of it screamed in fear. Lucrecia held onto a pole beside her to pretend her from falling.

"Cap, you see Nat?" Lucrecia could hear Clint Barton's voice asked from the earpierce.

"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!"

Clint asked another question which Steve yelled a "Go!"

Lucrecia appeared beside the American hero which made him jump, she saw that the train was heading towards a group of civilians.

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