𝟎𝟏𝟓. kisses and apologies

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☽▎V I S I Q U E     V I O L E T   ▎

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we'd love to help, your majesty

"𝓗e did what?!" Lucrecia exclaimed way too loudly which got a shh from Wanda. The two of them were currently in the corner of the average-sized room in Wakanda, talking about how their brother had completely abandoned them to travel the world by himself.

"Sorry," Lucrecia quickly apologized, feeling eyes on the two of them.

"He actually just went and that's it?" She asked, speaking lowly.

Wanda nodded, "Yeah, he just told me that he was going to travel the world, and then he sped away before I could even say anything about it."

When Pietro and Wanda met up after Steve broke them out, he had told her about his plan to use this time to travel the world since that was all he had ever dreamed about since they were captured in Hydra. Being stuck in that building for years made him fantasize about what else the world offered, thus the dream of traveling the world became his biggest one since then.

"We're on the run because of what happened — him included. Pietro's going to get caught," The younger twin retorted, a hint of worry laced in her tone.

Pietro was one to do whatever he felt like doing, it was like that since they were kids. But running away to travel the world when you're basically labeled as a criminal was a very bad move.

Lucrecia sighed and lowered her head, cursing her brother in her head.

Wanda crossed her arms with a frown on her face, "I'm not sure if he even knows what's going to happen to us — to you."

Steve, Lucrecia, Nat, Sam, and Sharon were on the run because of the crimes they committed. Bucky was on the run as well but he decided to make a big decision and get the mind-control that Hydra had on him sorted out, he chose to go back into the ice while T'Challa, who offered help, would help him with it.

The female Maximoffs went to Wakanda with Steve and Bucky since they had nowhere else to go and their brother had fled the minute he got the chance.

"Yeah," Lucrecia sighed, only now remembering how she was on the run. "I forgot about that."

Wanda rolled her eyes and scoffed in disbelief, "You forgot about it? It's a big deal, Lu!" She scolded which made Lucrecia cast her eyes to the ground. "You could go to prison. Hell, Pietro might get caught because of his antics and we both know how careless he is. Even worse, you-"

"I get it, Wan," Lucrecia cut her off from listing the thousands of problems they had. Wanda huffed and dropped her arms to her side in defeat, sighing heavily.

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