𝟎𝟏𝟑. i know a guy

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· 。゚୧ ⋆. "𝗜 𝗞𝗡𝗢𝗪 𝗔 𝗚𝗨𝗬". ₊˚.༄
i'll get you back one day

          "𝓨ou'll be provided with an office instead of a cell. Now, do me a favor, stay in it?" Ross told them.

"I don't intend on going anywhere," T'Challa replied.

Natasha came up beside Steve and Lucrecia, her eyes set on the chains that were covering the Maximoff girl's hands. "For the record, this is what making things worse looks like."

"He's alive," was all Steve said.

They walked into another part of the building where Tony was in, talking to someone on the phone.

"Romania was not Accords-sanctioned. Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup," Lucrecia heard Tony say to the person on the phone.

Nat looked back at them, "Try not to break anything while we fix this."

"As if I can do anything with these goddamn chains on," Lucrecia commented, trying to break them but to no avail.

"Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences. Obviously you can quote me on that, because I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir," Tony ended the call, walking towards Steve, Lucrecia, and Sam.

"Consequences?" Steve questioned.

"Secretary Ross wants you three prosecuted. Had to give him something," Tony told them, glancing at the chains that were clasped on Lucrecia's hands.

"I'm not getting that shield back, am I?"

"Technically, it's the government's property. Wings, too. Lu's magic, all hers," Nat informed them which made Lucrecia grin.

"That's cold," Sam stated, nodding his head to the side.

"Warmer than jail."

Lucrecia looked at the both of them with a smug smirk on her face which made Sam scoff. "Oh, please. Even if it's yours, you can't even get those chains removed."

Lucrecia just stuck her tongue at him in response.

Steve walked inside the small room in the middle of the place that had glass walls around it, the room had a long rectangular table and multiple chairs, seeming like a meeting room.

The Maximoff girl walked inside the room when Tony had left and sat across from Sam. She turned her attention to the screens that showed Bucky in a small room, inside his glass container.

"Hello, Mr. Barnes. I've been sent by the United Nations to evaluate you. Do you mind if I sit?" A man who was sent by the United Nations asked Bucky, sitting down when he didn't answer nor did he look at him.

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