Chapter 5

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I ran home in tears. Why would he say that about me?! I thought miserably. When I neared the house I realized I couldn't come in crying. I decided to hang out by myself in the forest before I went home. Rage filled my body. "I didn't know he thought of me like that?!" I cried. I slowly walked over to a flat rock peaking out of the ground. I flopped down on it as I sniffled. "I should I have known it wouldn't be that easy." I mumbled. I put my arms over my head. Suddenly I heard a loud bursting sound. I shot up and fell backwards as a light that turned the whole world black and white, chased towards me. I covered my eyes in terror, not knowing what was happening. Another loud bang sounded and I removed my hands. What I saw was not what I expected.

A yellow, floating, triangle hovered a few feet away from me. It had a single eye and had a skinny black top hat and cane and also had black arms and legs.

"Illuminate." I murmured.

The triangle twirled his cane. "Well well, Eleanor Gennings, I've been expecting you for a long time." He said. His voice had a strange echoing sound to it.

I shivered, my entire body coursing with fear. "What?! W-who are you?!" I asked.

The triangle floated down towards me. "Bill Cypher, as I was saying, fate brought you here so I could make a deal."

My gaze darted back and forth. "What do you mean? A deal?" I questioned Bill.

Bill leaned against his cane. "Oh, just a deal that could get Dipper and Mabel to be friends with you and possibly make Dipper fall in love with you." He zipped over to me. " I know you like him." He said mischievously.

I scrambled back. "What? Make them? How can you make them like me?"

"Oh I can do lots of things beyond your imagination!" He snapped his fingers and the landscape transformed. Now, I was back in California by the beach. I used to fly hear for the summer.

"How..." I had no words. And just like it had appeared the world turned to mist and I was back in the forest. "What's your end of the bargain?" I asked Bill challengingly.

Bill drummed his fingers together. "I just need a drop of your blood!" He said happily.

I frowned. That sounded pretty ominous to me. "Uh, no thanks triangle dude." I answered.

Bill narrowed his eye at me. "Are you sure? A small drop of blood to make your desires come true? Seems like a small price to pay."

I clenched my teeth together. "Um..." I looked up at Bill who was waiting patiently. "I guess."

"Great!" Bill lit his hand up with a blue fire and brought it at me.

I screamed and fell back. "What the heck?!"

"Just shake me hand kid." He instructed.

I have him a nervous glance, but stood up. I swallowed back my nerves and shook his hand.

Bill swung his arms. "Yes! Now time to fill your end of the bargain!" Bill snapped his fingers and a knife appeared.

I reared back. "No! Not with a knife!" I cried in fear.

Bill raised my right hand with his powers and cut the tip of my pointer finger so it looked like I got a paper cut.

I squeezed my eyes shut, tight. A drop of blood fell and sizzled into the ground. I screamed in pain as my hand suddenly started to burn. I grabbed it back and saw the blood turn gold. I looked up at Bill again, cringing.

Bill rose up. "Thanks a lot! Don't forget our deal!" A loud sonic boom exploded and I was knocked back and fell into the waking world, unconscious.

The Beginning: It All Starts Here (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now