Chapter 25

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It was the strangest thing. Everything was swirling and spinning then it stopped dramatically.

Then, out of the blue, Bill appeared.

I stared at him with my jaw dropped. "Seriously?!" I said utterly annoyed.

Bill hovered over to me.

A grassy landscape faded into existence and I dropped down onto it. "Can't you just leave me alone?"

Bill rubbed his arms. "Well, you needed help.

I leaned back, shocked. Why did Bill care so much?

"I just don't want Dipper to find out!" Bill started to turn red.

I backed up. Uh oh, he read my mind. I started to think that thinking wasn't a good idea.

Bill zipped over to my face, still glowing read. "Don't even think I care for you."

I put my hands up in a position of surrender. "Don't worry, I won't be doing any thinking." I told him.

I guessed that moment when I thought he was sympathizing with me was just in my head. He was still a little triangular jerk.

Bill cooled down. "Ok."

"Well, can you take me out of this dream scape?" I asked angrily.

Bill's eyes widened. "Pine- uh, Dipper," He said his name as if it was alien to him. ", could still be there."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "So?"

Bill blinked and looked away. "Well, ok, bye." He waved his hand and I was sent through the strange portal type thing.

I dropped into a tree. The very top. "Crap." I whispered.

Far down below, Dipper still sat there. It looked like he was thinking hard.

I pictured the look Bill had when I told him I wanted to leave. It was almost a hurt expression. It was strange. I tried to climb down, but slipped and fell a couple branches down.
"Ow." I moaned as my sides started to ache.

Dipper looked up. He got up and and stared at the tree I was in.

I froze, my breath coming out in rapid gasps of fear.
"Hello?" Dipper called out from below.

I stopped breathing. Everything seems so quiet when you're trying to hide. I stayed up in the, very uncomfortable, tree.

Dipper looked around still.

"Dipper!" Called a higher voice.

I looked around on the ground.

Mabel ran up to him. "Dipper, come home."

Dipper shook his head. "It was weird...she just vanished into thin was so strange."

Mabel cocked her head. "Vanished into thin air? Like earlier?"

Dipper nodded, seeming he notice the coincidence to. "She has fate and luck on her side."

I scoffed. "No I don't, I have everything but luck on my side."

"Do you know where she is now?" Mabel asked.

"No. Like I told you, she disappeared. I don't know where she is." Dipper sighed.

Mabel put her hand on Dipper's shoulder. "You're still gonna help her right? Even though...all of this has happened?"

Dipper looked up at her. "I don't know...probably."

I smiled.

"Even though she's lying and running from her lies...I'll help her. Maybe what's troubling her is what's causing her to lie?"

I wanted to scream happily. Yes! Yes! That's exactly what it is!

Mabel gave a half smile. "Good, let's go Sir Dipping Sauce."

"Don't call me that."

And they left.

As soon as I couldn't here or see them, I climbed down, very ungraciously I might add. I fell onto the ground. "Ouch..." I muttered. I brushed myself off and decided to go home, even if my dad still insisted chores.

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