Family Truth 1

620 17 3

[TW: Mention of death and implied character death, yelling]

Tommy POV:

"Being the youngest son is hard but being the youngest son of the God of Death and her husband is even more difficult not to mention being the blood God's nephew.. (Not related by blood but my dad and him are just good friends) The only perk about my family, is that I'm a demiGod, more specifically the God of the Air. I know, I know, get all the cheering and clapping out now... My favorite thing to do is fly, because my wings you know, I mean it's kinda obvious.. But from a young age I was flying, I got my wings when I was about 5 which is pretty young. Phil, My dad, has wings, so does my mom, and she taught me how to fly. But I have a lot to live up to.. And that's why I left. Don't get me wrong I love my family, but my brother Wilbur is preoccupied with his 3 year old son fundy, and his wife Sally disappearing.. And my parents are focusing on being the Gods of death, Techno is training somewhere in the forest. So I ran.. faked my own death and shit. It was actually pretty simple. Here I'll take you back to it."

[5 months ago: The day Tommy would change his life forever]

3rd person POV:

Tommy flew down from the trees to ask his brother if he wanted to hangout.

"Hey Wil! Wanna hang out? Like ol-"

"Not now Tommy, can you see I'm taking care of fundy?"

"Oh.. sorry.."

'Hm who could I ask to hangout.. I could ask technoblade to duel..' Tommy thought

"Wil quick question.."

"What do you want, Tommy?!" The brown haired said clearly annoyed

"Do you know where Techno is?" Tommy said with a smile

"No. I haven't seen him" Wilbur sighs

"Oh.. ok, s-sorry for bothering you." Tommy said walking away looking at his feet.

'Maybe I could see if Phil and Kristan are doing anything..'

Tommy unfolded his wings and took off. Up into the clouds where his parents ruled from. You would think that they would have a portal to hell or like the underworld or something but no, his parents for most of their lives, lived like normal humans.


"We're up here Tommy!" He could hear Momza's voice from a cloud above him.

"What are you guys doing?" Tommy asked sticking his head through the cloud making Kristan laugh

"Tommy you know I love your jokes but me and your mom are kinda busy" Phil said looking at Tommy with kind eyes.

"Oh.. ok. I-I'll go.."

"Oh Tommy, wait!" Kristan yelled after the boy

Tommy flew down to the house they own and went to his room.

"If all that is going to happen now that I'm older is that I'm going to be yelled at then I don't want to be part of this family!"

Tommy got out 2 book and quills, wote one to his family and then one to his mom. Tommy didn't pack his bag. He wasn't running away, no. He was going to die.

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