the web is broken 19

210 6 4

Tw: lying, mention of death, a tiny bit of violence, panic Attack

Tommy sat looking out his window. There was a knock at the door and Tommy ran into the bathroom quickly putting on his binder.

"Who is it?!" Tommy yells from the bathroom

"Its uhh-"

Tommy immediately recognized the voice as Techno's 'Shit- shit- shit-' Tommy held the amethyst necklace tight and took a shaky breath and quickly putting his binder on

"Technoblade.. We met at the arena. Im the tallest one.."

"Yeah Im aware of you. Niki told me about you" Tommy says opening up the door looking up at Techno. "What do you need?" Tommy puffed out his chest and looks at Techno confidently.

"Oh- y'know, you remind me of a kid I know."

"Oh.. Just a kid.." Tommy crosses his arms and looks away

"I mean sure he was a kid. One of the fiercest kids I know. He also really cared a whole lot for his family.."

"Cared? What happed to him?"

"Oh.. He uh- he-" Techno's eyes fill with tears

Tommy looks at Techno with surprise Tommy searches his face for any sort of fake emotion but he couldn't find any. this was sincere emotion from The Blade. The man who taught Tommy how to fight. The man who showed Tommy he can be strong and how to not be afraid in the face of danger.

"He's not with us anymore.. Death helped him move on."

"Oh.. I-im so sorry for your loss." Tommy says screaming internally

"No.. Its ok.. I just miss him a whole lot. He was like a younger brother to me."

"Yeah.. I uh get your pain. I lost my family at a young age."

"Oh.. How did they die?"

"Oh- umm well- it was- they-" Tommy pretends to get choked up "It was my fault. I started a fire. I was young and stupid. They died because of me." Tommy sheds some tears for dramatic affect.

"Im so sorry.." Techno pulls Tommy into a hug. Tommy freezes surprised by the act of kindness but returns the hug.

"Its fine it happened a long time ago" Tommy says as Techno lets go of the hug

"Ok, uh- Im going to go now. If you uh- ever need to talk then- uh i'll be around."

"Ok Pog." Techno walks out of the room walking down the stairs, Tommy lets out a breath and ruffles his hair. "My gods I fucking hate lying to Tech.." Tommy runs his hands down his face.


Tommy walks down the stairs of the inn and sees Ranboo talking to Phil and Techno, Wilbur is talking to Tubbo as he serves him a plate of food

"So what are you guys in town for?" Tubbo asks putting the food down

The three look at each other "Oh just for business.." Phil says hesitantly

"hmm" Tubbo eyes the men knowing full well what they are here for "Well could we offer you guys a room? it's 10 diamonds per person, per night, so it be 30 diamonds for you 3 for the night. Or you could do a suite and have it cost 27 diamonds."

"Sure mate! We'll take the suite" Phil smiles taking a sip of his alcoholic drink

"So, how'd you kids end up workin' at this inn" Wilbur asks finishing his bite of food

now the others look at each other, and Tommy answers, "Well these two grew up here, and I ended up traveling here after my parents- uhh passed.."

Everyone went quite

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