The one and only Dream :) 21

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[Tw/Cw: Child abuse, kidnapping, branding, blood, pain. There will be a warning before the bad stuff for anyone who wants to skip it, and a warning at the end to say its finished. Please be safe!!]

Italics= 'thinking'

Tommy blinked awake expecting to see Tubbo sleeping on the couch next to his bed but all he saw was darkness 'What the hell? Where the fuck am I?' Tommy tried to move his hands but couldn't all he could feel was the friction of something tying down his wrists. His wings were still binded even though there was no point really, although Niki said to keep the 'Phoenix' act up just incase some of his many enemies decided to show up.

"Oi! Tubbo if this is some sort of sick trick I swear to the Gods!" Tommy yells

"Tubbo isn't here.. Phoenix was it?" Someone says to Tommy, but he can't see them obviously because his vision was blocked thats when he remembers earlier!

He had been walking to get in some extra practice for his fight against a real person today but then was grabbed by someone.. gods who was it?.. all Tommy rembers is a flash of-- green! "Oi! I know its you Dream! Now will you unblind fold and untie me so I can go." Tommy looked in the direction of the voice and glared from under the blind fold.

"Gods, Sapnap was right. Always gag your victims as well." Dream says from the opposite direction than Tommy was facing.

"YOU GREEN BASTERED! LET ME GO!" Tommy was now getting annoyed, but all Dream did was sigh and take off the blind fold. The room was small, light coming from a small fire in the conner, but it was still a lot on Tommy's eyes. He squinted "Tubbo and Ranboo are going to look for me." He spat at the green man in front of him

"Now is that how you treat your host?!" Dream says in mock shock.

"No. This is how i treat you!" Tommy glaered up at him. He could totally beat this green slimy Teletubby in a fight.

"Now, now Tommy, your going to stay with me for a bit I only have 3 simple rules.. Even you should be able to understand them" Dream spoke slowly. Even though he couldnt see Dreams face he could tell he was enjoying this.. "1. If you try and run, I will kill you. 2. If you refuse to follow my command, I will kill you. and 3. If you try and fight, I will.." Dream trailed off for Tommy to answer

"Kill me.?" Tommy growled the words as if they had been sent to him by the nether itself

"Yes! He's learning!" Dream smiles under his mask walking closer to Tommy "Now.. What do you say about your first lesson?"


Tw: abuse and branding!!!!

Tommy's eyes turn from anger to confusion as dream picks what looks to be a stamp with a smiley face on it. Dream walks over to the fire and puts the stamp over the small flame

"What are you doing?"

"Don't talk." Dream's reply was quick, Tommy opened his mouth to speak again, but Dream put his hand on the hilt of his sword. Tommy closes his mouth quickly..

Dream walks over to Tommy and pulls down the collar of his shirt down to a few inches below his collar bone.

"Get your nasty nasty hands off of me!" Tommy tries to shift away from Dream

"I told you be quiet" Dream repeats again "If you struggle it will only make this ten times more painful."

Tommy struggles even more now trying to get out of dreams grasp.

Dream sighs and just places the stamp onto Tommy. The boy wails in pain as the hot metal hit his skin

"Stop! please stop!!" a few tears roll down his pale cheeks.

Dream takes the hot metal off of the boy's skin and looks at the brand "This will do for now. You remember the rules?"

Tommy gasps as he takes off the burning metal panting he nods at Dream's question

ITS SAFE TO READ (There are still attempts of abuse but its important for the story, so if you wish to skip ill make another note when its fully over)

"Tell them to me.."

"1. If I try and run, you will kill me. 2. If I refuse to follow your command, you will kill me. and 3. If I try and fight, you will kill me.." Dream turns and grabs something out of a small bowl and then walks over to Tommy putting a cold wash cloth on the burn.

"See Tommy.. I'm your friend. If I wasn't so kind and gave you this cold towel for your burn you probably would be an a lot of pain right now"

Tommy just glares at the other.

"You're welcome. Now i'm going to cut you loose. And you are free to roam
the room. If you obey you will be free to roam the whole house!" Dreams smile seem actually somewhat friendly this time

Tommy huffs back as Dream unties him

"Give me all your stuff. And I mean all of it."

"What?! No!"


The boy glares and wipes the tear streaks from his face "No." he stands straighter in the mere defiance of the word

"Is this how you treat me? Ive been so kind as to give you this wet rag, and to untie you." His voice low and gravely, as he slaps Tommy across the face.

Tommy yelps but looks at Dream with just as much defiance, the man goes in for a punch to the gut, but Tommy doges by stepping out of the way a trick he learned from techno. Dream stumbles and Tommy runs out the door, with the smiling man close behind. Tommy runs up the steps and out another door, looking into a perfectly normal looking house. He turns his head looking for the door, and checking how close Dream is. Tommy finds the way to the front door but he freezes when he opens the door to just forest, he was no where near the town and has no idea where he is. 

"Tommy, think about Tubbo, if you're gone who will be there to protect him? What about your other enderman friend.. What was his name? Ranboo?.." Dream asks in mock questioning.

Tommy freezes for the second time in the last 30 seconds. If he leaves.. Dream will go after his friends. 

"Thats a good little Phoenix.." Dream grabs onto Tommy's shoulders and leads him back down to the basement. "Now where were we? Oh! Right. Hand over all your stuff." His hand is put out for all of Tommy's things. 

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