The Very Much Wanted Goodbye part 20

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"THIS ASSHOLE ATTACKED TOMMY!" Tubbo yells at the older.

Tommy heard this standing at the bottom of the stairs, he began to shake his chest felt tight, his breath hitched, the binder around his wings and chest restricting his breath.

"Shit- nononono.." Tubbo runs over to Tommy and hugs him. "Tommy i- i'm so sorry!! i'm sorry! i'm sorry! im sorry!"

Tommy can't show weakness, he is not weak, Tommy's hands balled into fists

"I don't wanna go! They are my family!"Tommy looked towards Ranboo and Tubbo "You didn't care! I felt powerless around you! Every thing was fine when you thought I was dead!" Tommy yelled at the other three

"Tommy-" Phil reaches out towards the younger 3

"All of you get out! Get out of this Inn. You know what?! Out of this town!" Sam points to the door shaking with anger

The three strangers didn't move.

Techno steps forward "Tommy please listen-"


Tommy was beyond angry why couldn't his family just leave him and his friends alone "You. Didn't. care! Sam said to leave!"

The three walked away, Phil helping Wilbur walk to the door.

"Tommy. Are you ok kid?" Sam walks over to the other three as they let go of their hug

"I- um-" Tommy's legs grow weak and he falls to the ground "Shit- sorry I- Im ok! Im not weak!" Tommy rubs the tears and stops them from rolling down his cheeks

"Tommy.. Its ok to cry."

"I know- I know- I was getting better too! I cried in front of you guys when we first met! But now?! Now.. Its all gone"

Ranboo crouches down and wipes a tear from Tommy's cheek "Hey, listen at lest you dont have to hid anymore.." He smiles

"Yeah.." Tommy pauses "I don't think I can stand.." The blond chuckles and tries to stand and fails again.

Sam picks up him and walks the three of them back up to their room


"Tommy is fucking alive! He's here in this town and we're walking away?!" Wilbur says exasperated

"Wil this is what Tommy wants." Phil says looking at his oldest son

"I don't think so! He's confused he's our family! We should know whats important to him!"

"Wilbur. Quit it! There's nothing we can do!" Technoblade says just wanting Wilbur to shut up

"Now, now, now that would be a lie wouldn't it?" A man stands in the shadows, stoping the trio in their tracks

Technoblade sighs "Hello dream."

"Hello Blood God."

"You know full well I don't go by that name." Techno grabs the hilt of his sword

"Sure.. Anyways you three seem to be in a bit of a pickle.. I could help you get Tommy back. Ya know clip his wings.." Dream steps out into the light coming from the moon "metaphorically of course."

"Of cours-" Techno starts to grumble before he's cut off

"You can do that?!" Wilbur pushes to the front

"Oh yes! He would be safe at home by tomorrow night! Or.. I could knock some sense into him, give him a round of the good ol' discipline." The man in the mask with a perpetual smile on it picks at his nails looking at them, he had fingerless gloves, his hands had calluses probably from fighting, he has a chest plate on as well as some knee pads.

"How in hells name are we supposed to take you seriously when you're wearing fucking knee pads" Phil laughs and starts to walk away not wanting to hear anything else from this knee pad wearing loser

Dream squints from under his mask "Your family seems to have given up! But you still have hope.." Dream looks a Wilbur "Now, what's your name?"

"I'm Wilbur. Wilbur Soot." Wil smiles and sticks out his hand for dream to shake. Dream takes the others hand and smiles

"So.. Wilbur Soot. Would you like me to knock some sense into Tommy? So he won't think to run away again?"

"That would be amazing! How much would I owe you for your troubles with the gremlin child?"

"Free of charge! And friend of the Blood God is a friend of mine!"

"When will you be able to bring him home?"

"Hm, I'd probably say in about 2-4 months, but it might take up to

"Ok! Thank you Dream!" Wilbur starts to walk off waving to his new 'friend' "Just mbe careful Tommy can be a bit.. excitable."

Dream just nods and walks away himself


Tubbo woke up, it had been about 2 weeks since Tommy's family had shown up unwanted. And things were finally starting to get back to some normalcy, Tommy had done some fights in the arena and the pub had been giving a second source of income.

Tubbo stood to see that the bed where Tommy sleeps empty, but Ranboo still in the bed next to the couch where he slept.

He walked down the stairs to see if Tommy was down there. All he saw was Sam making some breakfast for the boys, three plates. Tommy's plate still there. "Hey uh Sam have you seen Toms?" Tubbo looks around to see if Tommy might be sitting at a table.

"Nope, I thought he was still in bed?"

Tubbo shakes his head "I didn't see him, but i'll just go check again, maybe he left a note, saying he was going to get in some extra training." Tubbo shrugs grabbing two plates of food, one for him and one for Ran.

"Ran wake up!" Ranboo blinks as he can feel himself being shaken on the shoulder.

"Wha- Tubbo? You ok?" Ranboo flips over to face Tubbo

"Yeah!" I just brought you some food!" Tubbo smiles.

Ranboo stands pining up his hair and walking over to the dresser, he looks down to see a note from Tommy "Hey Tubs?"

"Yeah?" Tubbo turns from his food to Ranboo

"There's this note from Tommy here. It's weird though.. It doesn't sound like him." Ranboo pauses and squints at the note making sure he's reading it right

"Ranboo Tubbo,
i have decided that my family showing up was to close of a call. I'm leaving i'm off to somewhere so far that they won't be able to find me again. Don't come looking for me. I don't want you guys to get into more trouble with my family.
it's been fun :)
-Big T

"What's wrong with it?" Tubbo tilts he head his flopped ears tilting as well

"Tommy wouldn't just up and leave us" Ranboo pause and reads the note again "The smiley face makes no sense too.."

"Don't think about it too much king. I'm sure Tommy is safe and will be happy. Even if it's without us.." Tubbo gives Ranboo a sad smile

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