training montage 10

285 11 1

TW: Fighting, Talk of wepons

"You'll fight me" Niki laughed

"Uhh ok.." Tommy said hesitantly "Just to warn you I'm pretty strong" Tommy says getting into a defensive stance

"Sure buddy" Niki says laughing and rolling her eyes putting her hands in front of her face.

Tommy throws a quick punch and Niki blocks it and flips him on his back knocking the breath out of his lungs

"I told you kid. Now get up try again" Niki says with a smerik

Tommy sighs and stands up getting in the same stance shaking his head a bit

"Dude again.."

This time Tommy went for Niki's legs but she jumped and then hit him square in the jaw

"Ow! Fucking hell! That hurt! (Like a butt cheek on a stick HAHHAHAHA) Did you have to hit so hard?!"

Niki sighs "Do it again tell you can knock me down"

Tommy got up again..

[2 hours and 30 minutes later and a lot of Tommy falling on his ass]

"Ok we're done here.." Niki says

"Come on Niki give me one more chance!"

She thinks for a moment before looking back at the young boy

"Fine. One more chance" Niki gets into a fighting stance

Tommy goes for a punch and Niki smerks but before she is hit Tommy spins behind her and grabs her wrist pulling her arm behind her back and then pushing her down to her knees.

"Checkmate" Tommy says with a smile

Niki looks up at Tommy and smiles "You got me kid" She chuckles

Tommy puts out his hand to help her up. Once standing she took Tommy's hand and shook it.

"You're ready kid. I'll let you fight. But you have to start at the bottom and I'll only allow you one weapon of your choosing."

"Ok I understand, thank you Niki"

"Of course kid" Niki says putting her hand on Tommy shoulder

"I'm not a kid!" Shaking off Niki's hand.

"Alright Tommy, I want you here in two days. That should give you enough time to practice and heal up from our fights." Niki says taking off her fighting tape.

"Alright see you in two days"

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