Moving forward 5

340 15 1

TW: slight panic

[Present time 4 months and 2 weeks later]

Tommy POV:

"Tommy you there?" Tubbo asks snapping his fingers in front of my face

I shake my head from the memories "Yeah, yeah, Im here" I say rubbing my forehead

"Ok, as I was saying, were running low on food, and the Law men are already on our tails.." Ranboo says "None of us can get jobs and we can be stealing for much longer, so I think that we should move to a different town"

I tense up hearing this I wanted to stay here because if I ever wanted to go back.. home, this town what close, but if we keep moving then they will never find me.. Mom will never find me.. No she will find me and I'll contact her somehow.. And the less I talk to her the better the less Techno will look for me, they have a better life thinking im dead. Gone. Phil has no power of seeing the dead, he is really just helping Kristan because work can be stressful.

"Tommy you good?"

"Yeah.. yeah, we should move, we have a better chance of survival."

"Ok we leave at dawn tomorrow, we'll have a better chance of staying away from the guards. So pack your things" Tubbo says

"Yes sir!" I say

[The Next Morning]

3rd POV:

The three kids quietly left out of the city into the forest.

[about noon]

Tommy always felt very unerved in the forest always looking up hoping not to see phil.

"Ok I'll fly up real quick and see if there is a town nearby" Tommy says and

"Ok just be safe"

Tommy takes off his cloak and shows his red and white wings and flew up into the air.

"I see a town just East of here!" Tommy yells down

"Ok thanks Tommy! Lets head that direction" Tubbo yells back at Tommy

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