New Found Family 3

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[TW: Liying, Stealing] Two chapters in one day?! Yes <3 I'm going to a camp next week and I'm camping over the weekend, so yes im going camping with my family then going to a christian camp with well being non-binary so wish me luck lmaoo thankfully one of my childhood best friends is going as well and she is part of the LGBTQIA+

{2 weeks later}

Tommy POV:

I have been on the streets unable to find a job. I've had to wear a clock to hide my wings. 

I'm certainly in a dark alleyway looking over at a fruit stand with some delicious looking apples. When the stand clerk is with another customer I quickly run up and grabbed 2 apples

"Can I help you?" I slowly look up to see a man in a blue shirt and an apron looking down at me with a very mad expression.


"I'm so sorry sir, you see my brother here was getting food for our sick brother over there. And like the stupid head he is forgot to grab the money! Here is 4 copper for 3 apples and an extra for the trouble." A boy said next to me he had black and white hair, and what looked like a birthmark across half of his face. I look over where he pointed to see a boy sitting against the wall coughing.

"I don't see the relation of ye two boys, y'all sure you're siblings?"

"Oh heh yeah that's compacted, you see me and him-" the boy pointed to the other sickly one "we are blood brothers, and this one right here has our father, but when our mothers found out they kicked our father out and got married, our mothers that is.." he says now putting his finger on his chin.

"Oh- I see well ye boys have a nice night, and I hope ye brother over there feels better"

"Yes sir, thank you sir, again so sorry for the disturbance"

The boy then grabs 2 more apples and pulls on my wrist

"Ow! Ouch! Would you quit that?!"

"Not as tell we're out of plain sight!" He whispers into my ear

We walked over to the other boy and he let go of my ear, then he helped the third up, he had brown hair, and what looked like an explosion scar across half of his face. He put his arm around the boy, and caring him around the corner away from the main town, then looking back behind his shoulder then letting go of the sick boy. Who stood there perfectly healthy. Now I was beyond confused.

"So would someone please explain to me what's happening?!" I say shaking my head

"We just saved your ass that's what happened!" The so called sick boy said

"What Tubbo meant to say is, we just saved you from being thrown in jail, now for introductions, I'm Ranboo and this is my platonic husband, Tubbo." The Ranboo kid said holding out his hand

"And you are?" Tubbo asked

"Wait- your platonic husbands? Well that's a first" 'They don't look to be any older than me!'

"There is no time to question us, that guy is going to release that those aren't copper peace's. So we should head back to our hideout. But first we need your name so we know it's worth saving you" Ranboo says

"Uhh I'm Tommy. Tommy M- Mellohi."

"Not a common name you hear around these parts" Tubbo laughs.

"Oh yeah.."

"Why don't we show you to our hideout before we get caught."

"Sure lets go i guess"

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