Time to kick some ass 11

282 11 2

TW: panic attack, blood

[2 days later]

"Wake up!" Tubbo yells attacking Ranboo with a pillow

"Ok we're awake" Ranboo says sitting up from his bed

"Today will be the day I fight and win" Tommy says confidently brushing through his hair with his fingers.

Ranboo chuckles "I believe in you Tommy"

"Thanks Boob man!" Ranboo glares at Tommy sighs and smiles

"Hey! I believe in you too!" Tubbo said putting his hand on his heart

Tommy laughs "Thank you, too Bee boy"

Tubbo laughs

"Ok Ive got to meet up with Niki! See you guys in the stands!"

"see you Tommy!"

[Getting ready to fight with Niki]

"Ok Ill take you to the set up room, today you'll be fighting just some simple zombies, and It will only be about 5 of them is that ok?"

"Yes, yes that's fine. I've fought zombies before" Tommy says rolling his eyes

"Ok, ok, just know that if anything happens like you actually need help I'll be there ok. I wouldn't let you fight if I knew you couldn't handle it kid"

"I AM NOT A KID" Tommy yells pointing a finger at Niki making her laugh

"Ok Tommy now go get a weapon"

"Yes ma'am" Tommy runs off towards the set up room

"Don't call me ma'am" Niki yelled after him as he runs off

Tommy looks at all the weapons

"Now, I'm pretty good with a bow, but a sword will be much more efficient than a bow" Tommy mumbled to himself "and then I guess that they only have chainmail armor" Tommy says lifting up the armor and puts it on.

Tommy takes a short breath and grips his sword then walks  of the set up room and into the fighting ring.

Tommy POV:

"And here we have him foalks a new computer to our ring! The one the only! Mr. Mellohi!!" Niki yells into a mic from a spectator stand with another person, I'm not quite sure who it is..

"A kid?!" Many people yelled


'Blood and a show is what they want and then that is what they will get'

I twirled my sword around my hands and jumped up on a rock and leaped over to the zombies and quickly killed one.

"OOOOO AWWW" The crowd awed at my moves

Next I made a show of killing the next so that it would be very bloody, taking out my wings and flying up a bit then going back down killing the zombie and hitting it in an arteries

"Looks like Tommy's got some tricks up his sleeve!" The other announcer I didn't know says threw the mic

"They want blood that is what they will get." I growel killing off another zombie

"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD PRINCE" The crowd chanted

'I know that chant.. That's Techno's chant..'

I Kill off the other three zombies, still making it a good show but wanting to get out of that arena just incase Technoblade was there.

After I killed off all the zombies I ran over to the door to get out I could  hear the crowd shouting my name.


I ran threw the door and dropped my sword, It was getting harder and harder to breath, I feel my breath quicken, all I want is to take a full breath, I grab my chest and falls to my knees, tears pricking my eyes

"Technoblade can't be here. No, no, no, he- he can't, he won't be- here.."

I felt the tears in my eyes fall. down my cheeks

"Tommy!" I hear a voice and look up, who do I see but Wilbur I feel my eyes go wide

"Wi-il?! No! No! NO! Get away from me! J-just because you-re trying to c-comfort me doesn't make me think you care!" I growel

"Tommy you have to breath, tell me what is 5 things you can see"

"W-why are y-you helping m-e? Y-you're supposed to thi-nk I'm dead!"

Wilbur looks wide eyed at me "Wait you- you're supposed to be dead?!"

"Yeah?" I mumble out

3rd person POV:

"Tommy look at me, Im not wilbur. Its me Tubbo.."

"Tubso?" Tommy looks up and blinks

"See its me. Im not going to hurt you, and i'm not angry at you"

"Tommy it's ok, I'm here what made you so panicked?" Niki asks putting her hand on Tommy's shoulder

"T-that chant... 'Blood for the blood prince' that's a similar chant i know. 'B-blood for th-e Blood god' that's a family friends chant, Technoblade, you might know him Niki.." Tommy laughed

"Yeah he's one of our regulars"

"Is he here today?"

"Uhh not sure Id have to look at the ticket records"

"He'd be noticable, he- uhh is a hybrid, pig."

"Uhh Id have to check with Eret"

"Im not going back out there tell I know if he he's here." Tommy says bringing his hands to fists

"Lets just go back home Tommy"

"Tommy I'll get you your money from bets that were placed on you"

"Ok, how are we supposed to get home?"

"Here take this cloak to hide to hide your wings and face" Niki handed me a brown cloak

"Thanks Niki" Tommy says putting the cloak on."

"Ok now we should probably head back to the room, unless you want food." Ranboo says

"Food sounds good!"

"Alright then getting something to eat it is!"

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