Chapter 12

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You woke up late the next morning, and see that is already out, probably getting breakfast. You check your phone to see a call from your parents. Shit. You had to tell them too. You call your mom back, and have a light convo. But before you hang up, you let it come out.

"Wait, mom. I need to tell you, that I'm, um, pregnant. I'm not sure what im gonna do and im scared. Mom please, what do i do." you say, tears spilling from your eyes.

"Oh honey. Its gonna be ok. I'm a little disappointed that you werent safe but what can i say, i was a teen mom too. Now there isnt much to do about it. I promise, i will help you through this. Its gonna be ok sweetie. Make sure to be careful and safe while your on the trip. I love you."

your mom says before you say goodbye and hang up. At least your mom isn't mad. You felt a slight weight off your shoulders by telling someone. But there was still a large pill you had to swallow, telling green. You decide if you have to tell him, you should tell him in fun way. You get dressed and head out of the hotel, calling an uber to take you to target. You see students outside but ignore them and hurry to the car. At target, you head for the baby section, grabbing a little outfit that says "surprise your gonna be a dad" and little shoes to match. along with a card that you planned to write a message for him in. You check out, and decide to walk back the hotel since it ended up only being a few blocks away. On the walk you think about how your gonna execute everything. You felt more nervous than ever in your life. The thought of him leaving you over this kept coming back and made your stomach churn. You had no idea what to expect when dropping a bomb this big. Soon you reach the hotel and walk in towards the elevator but are soon stopped by the sound of your name being called. To your surprise, it was the other history teacher, Mr.Franklin, whom you've become close with since he taught you in the past years of HS.

"Y/N wait. You've been kinda MIA since the zoo, is everything ok? I heard you have been sick?" he says, catching up to you.

"oh yea im fine, i should be back tomorrow for the tour of Monticello! I just needed to sort some things out."

your reply, trying to draw some attention off the bag in your hand.

"whatcha got there? i hope its nothing in need of confiscating." he questions, eyeing the bag you had started fiddling with.

"oh i um- no no no. its um nothing. no need to check."

you stutter out, hoping he believes you. But he knows you well enough to tell your lying.

"Alright y/l/n, hand the bag over." he says while signaling for the bag.

Your face goes pale as you slowly hand over the bag and your eyes start to form tears. He notices and opens the bag slightly, peering inside to see the baby items. His eyes widen and he looks up, as if he had just seen a ghost.

"Y/n... i-, please tell me your not pregnant?"

You slowly shake your head no, indicating everything was at it seemed. You were gonna be a teen mom. The tears spill from you eyes and a slight sob slips out as Franklin pulls you into a hug. He had always been a father like figure to you. He hushed your cries and walked you into the elevator, pressing the button to your destined floor, to give you some privacy.

"i, i didnt think it would happen. I have no idea what to do now. I have to tell the dad but im so scared. I dont know what to do Mr.Franklin please."

you sob inside the elevator. He hushes you and speaks in a calm voice,

"Its gonna be ok. This is the last thing i expected from you but its gonna be ok. You need to tell the dad though, he needs to know your carrying his baby. If he truly cares, he wont just leave you. Please Y/n, be safe. My room is 611 so if you need me, thats where you can find me. Remember, everything will be ok."

The elevator opens and you get out, saying thank you and goodbye before walking to your room. You enter and slip off your shoes, getting spooked by sleeping on the bed, peaceful as ever. seeing him made your eyes blur with tears once again. guess pregnancy made you 100x more emotional. you walk over, dropping the bag under the side table and curling up next to him, just needing his arms around you. You feel his body jerk at your touch and his eyes peak open, seeing you and smiling before engulfing you in his strong arms.

"hey baby. ive missed you" he whispers in a sleepy voice

"ive missed you too love, what did you do today?" you mumble, feeling sleep start to entrance you.

"i went shopping for some things and then came back for a nap. Where were you?" he replies.

"at target, just getting some things."

you say before letting the sleepiness take over your body and pull you under. Guess you'll just tell him after a quick nap. Or so you thought.

No Ordinary Man(history teacher x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now