Chapter 9

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upon returning from the zoo, your stomach starts to feel funky. you decide to skip dinner, much to's protest and head to your room. you didnt tell him why you werent going, not wanting to worry him. at first you thought that it could be cramps, which only made you realize that your period had been gone for over a month. it completely slipped your mind since you'd been so preoccupied by the whole, sleeping with your teacher who happened to be a dilf, thing. you fell asleep halfway through IT, having been worn out by your crazy day. returned late after going out with the other teachers, but its only hours before you wake up and rush to the bathroom where you end up throwing up whatever was in your stomach, green walking in soon after to hold your hair and rub your back while you ✨puke✨. once your done, you wash your mouth and do some deep breathing to calm down since you ended up crying. you hated throwing up, especially around green. But he stayed by your side the entire time, wiping the tears from your eyes and holding you close. eventually you go and climb back into bed and curl into a ball, holding you tight as you fall back asleep. the morning was even rougher. you puked a few more times, even after you had nothing left to puke up.

"sweetheart, i think you need to stay here today. Were doing is visiting the white house but its not all that exciting. I dont want you doing anything to make it worse." says, kissing your forehead and rubbing circles on the low of your back.

"i will, but i wish i knew why i felt so shitty. i havent thrown up this much is years."

you reply weakly, having no energy left in you.

"i will be back around 3, please stay in bed and rest as much as possible. call me if you need absolutely anything my love."

he says, before kissing your forehead again and getting up to leave. Its around 10 by then.
after he leaves, you start to toss around ideas as to why your feeling so sick. one idea in particular stood out, it being the one that you were most scared of.
were you pregnant?

No Ordinary Man(history teacher x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now