Chapter 20

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You wake up at 5, and kiss Kevin goodbye before sneaking back to your room and getting ready for your flight that you had to leave for in a couple of hours. By 6:15 your headed out, making sure nothing is left behind. You make your way to the lobby and wait for everyone else to come down so you could head out. You scroll through social media, but get bored and decide to close your eyes and relax as groups of people started to gather nearby. You find yourself drifting off into a sleepy daze when someone shakes you awake slightly. You open your eyes to see Franklin, who looks more awake than ever.

"I saw you coming back to your room strangely early this morning. You better not have been with Mr.Green."

"I wasn't Franklin, chill out. I was getting ice for my water. Didn't realize i wasn't allowed to leave my room without permission from you."

"I didnt mean it like that Y/n, but if i find out you were lying, i have no choice but to tell the truth."

"Yea yea, whatever."

A few more minutes pass and it comes time to get on the buses for the airport. You all double check sure everything is ready before making the drive. You listen to music and do some baby shopping since its never too early. Time passes rather quickly as you arrive at the terminal drop off. Everyone gathers their bags and teachers take roll before heading inside. You do all the airport things you have to do and find yourself waiting for your flight with a bagel and coffee in hand. You eat and charge your phone and laptop in the time you have. Your flight calls to board and you make your way onto the plane, taking a seat in the very back. You see the most students had the other flight out, that leaves later. You, a handful of kids and Kevin are the only people you know on this flight. You see Kevin boarding and watch as he makes his way to the back of the plane, sitting in the isle next you to. All the other students seem to be sitting up by the front so there was less risk of being caught if anything were to happen. The flight starts to take off and you grip the seat, forgetting how anxious flights made you. Thats when you feel a hand engulf yours, a sense of relaxation taking over your body.


That was how he made you feel in this moment and always. He was your safety net. You smiled at him, and took deep breaths until you got into the air completely, letting him know you were ok. The rest of the flight was spent playing little games with each other and watching a movie when Kevin fell asleep. After what felt like forever, you finally landed back home. You got off the plane and headed to baggage claim where you collected everything and headed to where your parents were told to pick you up from. You saw your mom waiting by her car with open arms. You gave her a huge hug and waited next to her as she signed the waiver that she was supposed to be picking you up. A smile made it to your face when you caught Kevin giving you a quick wink when saying goodbye. You were glad to be back, but with everything that happened over the trip, you couldn't help but wonder what happens now.
How much more is at risk?

No Ordinary Man(history teacher x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now