Chapter 1: Meet the Feathersons.

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Duckburg. Home to ducks that can live together in harmony. Home to Scrooge McDuck and home to his enemies. There's mysteries and rewriting histories of the city. But there's one particular person that nobody heard or talked about. A one boy who happens to fell out from his universe. His name was Alexander Curandero. A boy who's got electric powers from a Greek god named Zeus that saved the McDuck family and met friends along the way. He stopped a formidable foe who had the same ability as Alex, but mixed with dark magic from his shadow. One percent of his shadow was reborn into a new shadow that's looking for a host to have a body. It went from person to person and almost Gandra, until it finally founds Alex. It senses a strong power inside him and went inside his body bonding his aura. Three months later, Lena was revived by the power of friendship magic from Webby and Violet. Meanwhile, Gizmo and Ariel's hero name "Coral Riptide" have been going on fighting crime each day and receive the key to the city for their outstanding heroism. Erynn was officially adopted as part of "The Feathersons" family and got teaching advice from Gandra for technology. As Lena moved out from her old house, she allows Alex to have it. The Featherson's reconstructed Erynn's old house to expand their house to give her own room and space. As everyone is having a good life, there's no telling what the shadow is doing to Alex right now.

A few months later, we see Alex and Ariel walking together to the Feathersons house as Ariel is covering Alex's eyes with water. "Where are you taking me" Alex laughed. "It's something that you'll probably remember for the rest of your life" said Ariel. She tells Fedory to come here in a hand signal and whispered "try to sneak in the window I open from the side". "You say something" said Alex. "Nothing" said Ariel. Fedory hovers over into the window without making a sound. Ariel opens the door and turns on the lights and puts her water hands down. "Open your eyes." "SURPRISE" they yelled. *SCREAM *CRACKLE!!! Everyone in the house was blasted by lightning except Erynn as she manages to duck down. "Happy birthday" said Erynn. "Oh my gosh" said Alex. "I'm sorry! I forget it's my birthday and I shouldn't have to worry about anything." "Hey hey hey, it's okay" said Erynn. "But please don't do that again next year. I'm afraid of lightning." "Sorry" said Alex.

"You look great by the way. And the flower looks good on you too. What have you been up to after a month?" "Well" said Erynn. "I've been learning a lot from Gandra for tech stuff and I feel like she's somewhat of a sister that I can be related to. Not only that, but we're trying to create a device that allows people to travel dimension and other universe. That means once we're done, you get to go home!" "That's great" said Alex in excitement. "I also found a flyer for those who wants to work for S.H.U.S.H" said Erynn. "What's S.H.U.S.H." said Ben. "It's a super secret spy organization" said Erynn. "If it's so super secretive, then why do they bother handing out flyers" questioned Alex. "I don't know" said Erynn. "There was only one when it flew on my foot. I assume they must have change plans to keep it very secretive. But not too very secretive like hiding your favorite personal items like your favorite boy band or your personal life or.... I think I said too much." They all laughed with her for being to socially awkward. "Oh yeah! I like you to meet the Feathersons family. I'm sure you already know Fawn and Ben." "Hello Sup" said the two. "Right here is Mary Featherson." "Hello" she said and waved as she smiled. "You must be her boyfriend. No?" "What, no" said Alex. "I'm older than her." "Oh I'm just messing around" said Mary. "Don't worry. She has told me great things about you. As soon as you have time either tomorrow or later, I would like to get to know you a lot more. Also, I heard you like spicy food, so I whipped up some spicy burritos. There's one with none spicy as well." "What's in them" Alex questioned. "Pork" said Mary. Alex grabs the spicy burrito and takes a bite out of it. "This is really great" said Alex with his mouth full. *GULP. "Forgive me for talking with my mouth full." "It's fine" said Erynn. A person walks in the room. "Oh yeah! This is Illy. She..." Illy looks around at Alex as he feels awkward about it. "What's she doing" he chuckled. Illy gets up and gives an ominous stare. (I don't like how this is going) said Alex in his mind feeling nervous. "I'm not baby sitting this one" said Illy. She started walking out. "Uh what" he questioned. "Sorry" said Fawn. "She does this to test people whoever she meets first" said Mary. "Or she could be nervous to meet you" said Erynn. "Right here is Lineth. Or Lin for short." She turns around covering her face. "Come on. Say hi please?" Lin turns around and said quietly "Hi". "Sorry" Erynn apologized. "She's very shy meeting new people. Plus, when me, Fawn and Lin are closer together, we're like actual sisters in the same height." "Aww" said Alex. Lin turns around again. "She's very good with instruments too" said Erynn. "She plays the Ukulele and the piano which we have in the living room. You would've listen to how well she played with her songs. If she ever feels like it." "I would much enjoy it at all" said Alex.

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