Chapter 7: Zeus defeated?!

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Alex follows the spaceship flying towards the sunchaser. They started firing at the plane, but Alex throws Erynn up in the air and blast the Moonlander's ship with his powers. *CRACKLE!!! *KABOOM!!! "What just happened" Webby questioned. She looks down as she sees Alex following them. He gives Webby a sign to not tell anyone about it. Erynn lands on Alex's arms feeling traumatized. "DON'T DO
THAT AGAIN" she yelled. "Sorry" Alex apologized. *ZOOM!!! He runs once again to keep them in protection without being spotted.

Della lands right behind Ithaquack as she's trying to get the plane into safety. Della and Louie runs upstairs to warn the gods. Alex and Erynn arrived at the scene. Erynn doesn't look too well for how fast Alex ran. "You stay right here" he said. "I need to talk to Della." Erynn starts to talk in gibberish while feeling dizzy. Her face turned green and *BLECH!

Della bangs the door in panic. "Hello" said Louie. "Selene? Goddess of the Moon?" The door opens with Zeus's appearance. He blasted lightning from his finger tip, but Della and Louie dodged it. "Open the ding-dang door, ya pantheon of palookas" yelled Della. "We loved to help you, but we're kinda grounded" said Selene.

Inside the building, Storkules and Selene struggles to move Zeus out of the way. "Father, please" Storkules begged. "What of my Donald?" "No" yelled Zeus. "We are not helping Scrooge McDuck! If the mortals jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?" "Yes, father" said Storkules. "For I am immortal!" Zeus blasted lightning at his soon for in his point of view sees his son's foolishness.

Alex walks up to the stairs while Erynn runs up too. "Wait" she yelled. "Erynn, you looked terrible" said Alex. "Thanks" said Erynn in a sarcastic tone. "Just stop for a minute please." He looks back at Della and looks back at Erynn with a worried expression. "Fine, but make it quick" said Alex. "I don't know how long Della's gonna stay here."

Meanwhile in F.O.W.L., Gandra continues to work on the project. "Gandra" called Bradford. "I need to see you in my office. Right away." She gets up from her chair and started to get a call from Fenton. "Could you give me a second" said Gandra. Bradford leaves her to her call. "Hello Gandra" said Fenton. "¿Como estas?" "I'm doing great" said Gandra. "All though, I'm starting to feel like a granny if you know what I mean. My back is killing me." "If you like" said Fenton. "I can take you out to dinner tonight." "I'm sorry" said Gandra. "I've been working ever since I met a boy who doesn't know this world." "Do you mean Alex" said Fenton in frustration. "I've had it with him!" "What's wrong" said Gandra. "Oh wait a minute. I get it. Erynn told me what happened. He wasn't always like that." "Is that Gandra" yelled Ariel. "Hi!" She waved. "Hello kid" said Gandra. "Gandra" yelled Bradford. "Sorry, I gotta go." She hangs up the call and leaves her workplace. In Gandra's mind, she said, (I don't know how long I can keep working with Erynn. I think the boss is starting to notice something.)

"CURTIS" yelled Alex. "Since when do you trust him?!" "Take it easy" said Erynn. "No" he yelled again. "Don't act like my mother! Okay?! I am almost an adult here!" I'm not trying to attack you" said Erynn. "Shut it" said Alex. "I am tired of being treated differently by anyone else! You're not letting me ruin my chance to impress Della! So stay out of my way!"

"What's going on here" Della questioned. "We figured you needed some help from us" said Alex. "So, did the gods let you in?" Zeus opens the door and shoots lightning once again at Della, but dodges it. "I think that answers your question" said Della. "We gotta leave." "Wait" Alex yelled.

*GRUNTS! "If you haven't stopped me, I would've save her and make me part of family royalty. I'm gonna take my anger on a guy who can't accept anything." "No" yelled Erynn. "You're gonna get yourself killed." "Oh, you're right" said Alex in a sarcastic tone. "I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry........ For not being the best person in your life!"

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