Chapter 3: One boy and three Beagle Boys.

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Alex looks scared and jumps out of the way. "Wait" Alex yelled. He runs and Curtis tries to claw him out. "What are you doing?!" "Hold still kid" said Curtis. "I'm trying to help you." "By trying to kill me" said Alex. "That's pretty helpful coming from a buff man with a really cool bandanna and dangerous weapons." "Okay, then stop for a moment and let me explain" he said. They both stopped running. "Listen, I've been hired by a man who wants to talk business." "Let me guess, Frank sent you" said Alex in annoyance. "Yes" Curtis said. "There's a shadow living inside you and you might be in grave danger if you ever start to feel more emotions and mostly anger. It gives you super strength, flexibility and durability." "Well I don't see how that's dangerous" said Alex. "Whatever you're talking about, just stay away from me. Whatever the bald man said is a lie. So either leave or I'll make you leave." "What I'm saying is the truth" said Curtis. "There's more than what holds in store for you." "Look, just leave me alone" yelled Alex. "I'm not in a good mood." "Then my apologies" said Curtis. "If I can't reason with you, then I have to do this the hard way." He runs and yells as he's about to attack him. Alex's hair starts to go up as he senses danger. He backflips and goes for an aerial kick at his back head. "What the" said Alex. He gets down as Curtis claws at him and Alex grabs his hand crushing him. *CRUNCH! "AHH!! Just let me help you!" Alex does the hammer throw sending Curtis flying away out of Duckburg. "What is this power" he questioned. "I never felt anything like it! It feels...good." Fedory was very surprised by the result. "Hey Alex." Ariel surfs over to Alex and lands to the ground. "Hi Fedory." It blushes and waves back at her. "Whatcha been up to?" "Oh nothing" said Alex. "I just had lunch with Della Duck. (And his unfunny son.) "Well that's great" said Ariel. "Also, I have this weird feeling going on inside of me" said Alex. "Aww, did you get butterflies in your stomach" said Ariel. "No" said Alex. "I mean I'm feeling this weird energy inside of me. Never mind. I'll explain later. So what's up? Is there something you need?" "I forgot to give you a present when it was your birthday. Here." She hands out the bag to Alex and he pulls out a phone. "A personal phone" Alex questioned. "I never had my own personal phone before. (If Mom gave me one for goodness sake!) Thanks." "Why don't you own a phone" she questioned. Alex said "I don't know. (I do know.)" "Anyways" said Ariel. I was wondering if you wanted to join me and da- I mean..." "I already know who he is" said Alex "I'm not stupid." "Okay" said Ariel. "Take it easy. I'm wondering if you like to help us stop bad guys for a while?" "I've got time" said Alex. "Who are we facing today?"

A woman screams in terror as her purse was stolen. Gizmo runs towards the sound while Ariel carries on him. Alex runs as fast as he can while catching his breath. (Why did I signed up for this) said his mind. (As much as Ariel has been a good friend to me, I need something to keep the paste.) Suddenly, he starts running faster as he's about to catch up Gizmo and Coral Riptide. (Too fast! Too fast! Too fast Too fast Too-) *BOOM! He hits his face at a brick wall making a hole. "Alex" said Ariel in a concerned tone. "Are you okay kid" Gizmo questioned. "I'm fine" said Alex. "Now what's the danger?" "My purse has been stolen from those beagle boys" said the woman. "Ugh again" Alex questioned. "That's the oldest formula for a bad guy to steal things from women." "Don't worry" said Gizmo. "We'll be searching around the city to find whoever stole your purse. Team, spread out." Gizmo left as Alex and Ariel are standing around. "Can I talk to you" said Ariel. They both gone to a different direction together to talk privately. "Are you okay today?" "What do you mean" said Alex. "I'm fine." "You ran very fast and broke a building's wall" she said. "Not only that, but your hair started to go up whenever someone is about to attack you unexpectedly and started to have reflexes." "Look, I'm fine" said Alex. "Maybe I've been doing some push ups, sit up and plenty of juice." "But I only seen you drink water" said Ariel. "Exactly" said Alex. "Let's just split up before the Beagle Boys tried to sold her purse or any ideas they have." The two were separated as they're heading for a different direction. Curtis arrives at Duckburg again as he follows Alex's trail.

The Beagle Boys are hiding inside of a back truck. "You boys gotta stay quiet" said Big Time. "If we ever get caught, Ma will be disappointed at us. Mostly me. Because this purse will be a present from me. Then, she'll have to respect me as her son." "But why do we have to hide inside a truck full of fish" said Bouncer. "That's because we can't tune a fish if you're gonna yelling and complaining" said Big Time. "I don't get it" said Bouncer. "UGH!!!" Alex walks by as he's still searching for the boys. "Little buddy" said Alex. "Just for a while, we need to split up. Not far away, but somewhere here. Just let me know if you find anything." The two have gone separated. Fedory looks underneath the huge garbage and... *YOINK! He was snatched away. Underneath the garbage, it was Curtis hiding. "Keep it down hat eyes" he said. "You wouldn't handle the truth when it's the right time for me to swoop right out of him. But try to listen little one, don't trust your friend. There's something inside of him that you need to stay away from. He won't be himself if he starts to experience any emotions." Fedory forces to fly away from Curtis out underneath. "Did you find anything" yelled Alex. Fedory talks in gibberish with a nervous tone. "I'll take that as a no!" When Alex walks past by the truck, his hair starts to go up. He started walking back as volts sparks around him a bit. Fedory starts to noticed Alex as the volts sparks louder. Curtis pops out from the garbage and rushes against him. Alex managed to grab him by the shirt and toss him out of Duckburg again. Alex said in his mind, (Whoever he is, he's starting to become more annoying than Frank.) He started hearing a vibration inside the truck. "Turn it off" Big Time whispered. "I'm trying" said Bouncer. Alex opens the back truck and finds the Beagle Boys. The boys got out of the truck. "Well well well" said Big Time. "Looks like we've got ourselves a weakling. Bouncer, get em." "Wait wait wait wait wait" said Alex. "Hold on. Your name is Bouncer?" "Yeah" he said. "What about you" said Alex. "The names Big Time" he said. Alex started chuckling. "You got something to say" said Big Time. "You have a ridiculous name" said Alex. "If I ever met your mother, I would straight up tell her to change your name into Bouncer while the big guy should be named "Big" Time." "What" Big Time yelled. "For you" Alex continues. "You look like if a big box stepped on you many times before. And believe me, I've seen damaged boxes before in the dumpster. Or that you look like a rejected video game character who happened to be a plumber who gets the bad luck more than his older brother." "All right, that's it" said Big Time. "We're gonna teach you a lesson. Big Time...I mean, Bouncer, get em!" "Wait, which one of us is Bouncer" he said. "You are" said Big Time. "I thought I was Big Time" said Bouncer. "But what is he?" "That's Burger" said Big Time. "BURGER" Alex laughed. "Oh man! Burger? If I had a quarter for every time someone mentions the name Burger, I would be rich and spend all my money for burgers. You guys are probably the worst villains I ever met. But not as annoying as that one buff looking man who's after me." The three boys are looking at each other with confusing. "So does that make me Bouncer" said Bouncer. Big Time rushes against Alex for an attack. Alex manages to grab Big Time's arm. "I don't think so" said Alex. *CRACK! "Aah" Big Time yelled. "Bouncer, help me out." He throws the first punch, but his hand was caught too. *CRACK! "Aah!" "Burger, help us" Big Time yelled. "Uh uh" he said. Burger slowly backs up. Fedory starts to get scared and flees to find Gizmo and Coral. "Look kid" said Big Time. "If you let us go, we'll give our mother." *CRUNCH! "AAH! No? Okay. Okay. We promise we won't hide inside trucks that's made out of fish ever again! We'll give you whatever you desire!" Alex says "All I want from you boys is to feel pain." His eyes starts to glow yellow. *CRUNCH!!! The boys starts to scream in pain. The two and Fedory arrived at the scene. "ALEX" yelled Ariel. "STOP! THEY HAD ENOUGH!" Alex's eyes turns back to normal and lets go of the two Beagle Boy's arms. Gizmo ties up the two and Burger comes out. "You're under arrest" said Gizmo. "But first, we need to check you to a doctor." Ariel pulls down her mask. "What we're you doing" said Ariel. "I... I don't know" said Alex.

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